CFA Level 1 June 2012 Results

Congrat Man!

I suspect we are witnessing survivorship bias in action!!

  • Alternative Investments 8 - * - - Corporate Finance 20 - * - - Derivatives 12 - * - - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - - * - Portfolio Management 12 - * - - Quantitative Methods 28 - * - passed…nailed the big ones- thats about it.

@ mbaer same score and same time stamp! i wonder if that is a coincidence or not…


I agree. Only 5 pages for L1 results and it’s about an hour post results? There should already be 10-15 pages of results.

Passed. Middle Tier in AI, CF, PM. Top tier in the rest. Quite surprised about my PM and CF scores. Was getting mostly 100% in PM correct in the mock exams.


Finally ended this long waiting!!!

Congratulations to all.

Passed ! Particularly pleased because I COMPLETELY LEFT OUT derivatives and AI from my study. Also I had absolutely zero finance background. I am employed in physics and gave this a shot. Anyway, got bottom tier (<50%) in derivatives (no surprise there) and middle tier in PM (bit shocking since I thought I had it down). Other than that, >70%.

After 3.30hrs I passeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddd!!

passed!!! woooohooooo

AI, Derivatives, Ethics, FRA, FI, Portfoli Mngt >70%

Corp Finance, Econ, Equities, Quant 51-70 %

Passed. Greater than 70 in all but Derivatives (which was 51-70). Pumped

I passed. >70% in all sections except 51%-70% in Quant.

I’m soooo happy!

self reporting bias I am sure…if you failed…how eager are you about positing it here? vs. if you passed?

154 posts so far, of which 30 could be regular posts rather than passed. so consider 124 posts as passed., which could be 2% of 38% passed.

Not sure how many total candidtes have registered in this forum for level1.

not gonna celebrate until I pass L3… Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - - * - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 - - * - Economics 24 - - * - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - - * - Portfolio Management 12 - - * - Quantitative Methods 28 - - *

Fell asleep waiting for these and now its 4am…passed! Multiple Choice Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - - * - Corporate Finance 20 - * - - Derivatives 12 - - * - Economics 24 - - * - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - - * - Portfolio Management 12 - - * - Quantitative Methods 28 - - *

Passed! :slight_smile:

TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70%-

Alternative Investments 8–*-

Corporate Finance20-*–



Equity Investments24–*-

Ethical & Professional Standards36-*–

Financial Reporting & Analysis48–*-

Fixed Income Investments28-*–

Portfolio Management12–*-

Quantitative Methods28–*

Okay since no one said it, and only maybe really dedicated candidates participate on this forum, I failed :frowning:

Here’s the email:

  • Alternative Investments 8 - * - - Corporate Finance 20 - * - - Derivatives 12 - * - - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Investments 24 - * - - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 * - - - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 * - - - Fixed Income Investments 28 * - - - Portfolio Management 12 - * - - Quantitative Methods 28 * - -

Will I try again: Yes definitely. I did okay in the sections I liked and spent time on. I did poorly on the sections I didn’t spend time on. I know what I need to do to pass.

My Circumstances (so others can learn from my mistakes): Last year of undergrad, not enough time allocated to final review.

Band: 5. So amongst those that did not pass I am exactly average. lol

Boooyyaaaaaa passssseeeddd!!! Just poped open a champagne ive been saving for this day!!! Greetings from sunny germany and finally my vacation can start!