CFA Level 1 June 2012 Results

Done and Done. Passed with >70 except for Econ and Quant, which were both 51-70. This is significantly better than I did on any of my 5 practice exams and completely opposite of how I felt walking out of the exam. I think I got lucky on my guesses

Passed Level 1, 70% and above for all except for AI, Derivatives and Economics.

I was a major stalker at this forum, thanks guys for the motivation and help!

Do we get a cert for passing level 1?

Passed, putting this up for those who didn’t to get an idea about ranges that passed. Must have been at the high end of each range because I’ve seen this score matrix not pass in the past.

Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%

Alternative Investments 8 --*

Corporate Finance 20 --*

Derivatives 12 -*-

Economics 24 -*-

Equity Investments 24 -*-

Ethical & Professional Standards 36 --*

Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 --*

Fixed Income Investments 28 -*-

Portfolio Management 12 --*

Quantitative Methods 28 -*-

No, only the email

Sorry to hear…

As a “1st time failer” I’d encourage a second try!




Max Pts




Alternative Investments



Corporate Finance









Equity Investments



Ethical & Professional Standards



Financial Reporting & Analysis



Fixed Income Investments



Portfolio Management



Quantitative Methods



I did it, I passed!

Multiple Choice

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - - * - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 * - - - Economics 24 - - * - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - * - - Portfolio Management 12 - * - - Quantitative Methods 28 - - *

So… i haven’t received my score. I checked my email address on the CFA website and it is correct. I’m on the East coast and took Level I. Why wouldn’t I receive my score? Who should I contact? I can’t wait any longer…


Passed. Only scored 50-70% in Ethics and Econ. I’m shocked I did so well in FRA and shocked I did my worse on Ethics which I usually always killed.

Me too. I did not expect getting >70& in FRA.

On the same boat, killed FRA Probably got a 71% but still i was aiming to be in 51-70% range


Passed first time. Been almost a decade since I was in school, so I had to study hard for this.

Only used Schweser material for studying (expect Ethics of course), but used the CFAI Exams (mock and those pesky CFAI exams you pay for). Started studing in Feb, and know why I didn’t do so hot in some sections - minor mistakes, to didn’t spend enough time studying. Aside from Quantitative results the results are in line with what I found on the Schweser.


Alt Investment

Equity Investment



Fixed Income


Everything else.

Passed! Congrats to everyone that passed and good luck studying for L2.

Failed! It really sucks getting this email:

We sincerely regret to inform you that you did not pass the June 2012 Level I CFA exam. 38% of candidates passed the June 2012 Level I CFA exam.

Your score band: 9 For example, if the reported score band is 1, you scored in approximately the bottom 10% of candidates who did not pass. If the reported score band is 2, your score was within the next band width ranging from approximately the bottom 11% to 20% of candidates who did not pass. If your score band is reported as 10, you scored in the top 10% of candidates who did not pass.

I came, I saw, I did NOT conquer…this time. Haha. Back to the books for the December exam. :wink: Congrats to those who passed.

i scored above 70 on everything except quantitative as well. There were only two quantitative questions i did not know so I have no idea what i could have missed. I guess I will never know.

Passed. Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 * - - - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 - - * - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * - - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - * - - Portfolio Management 12 - - * - Quantitative Methods 28 - - * Worried about Ethics most. Wasn’t quite confident since I haven’t done the practice exams and the mocks thoroughly…but did have reviewed schweser notes for twice.

cpolesiak - sorry to hear you did not pass. can you post your results for each section? since you are a cut off, that will give people an idea of what passing was…

Passed L1,

Econ & Corp Fin at 51%-70%

Derivative <50%

the rest are all > 70% smiley