If I can’t think of something caustic, I shurg and learn the actual material:
Serious Doobies, Watson
Little girl, “Hi, Gamma”. Grandma, “Dear, you’re at the money!”
The tragic tale of the socially repressed put writer, “PLEASE DON’T CALL!”
Wear a Call Cap. Put [something] on the Floor.
Convenience Yield = you have a cow. You hate it. It’s an indoor cow that sits everywhere in your house. Tragically, Exploding Cow syndrome strikes all the outdoor cows. You feel pleased at possessing a physical cow rather than a contract for a cow (that is likely now exploded).
Change in plan assets (Ending - Beginning) = C harlie A in’t B ad = Contributions + Actual Returns - Benefits Paid
Change in PBO (Ending - Beginning) = S usan I s P retty A t B est = Service Cost + Interest Cost + Past Service Cost +/- Actuarial Loss/Gain - Benefits Paid
Here are some FCFF/FCFE reminders that I found online. I fixed a mistake and added some own tricks:
FCFF includes (-)Int(1-t) and FCFE includes (+)Net Borrowing. FCFE = FCFF - Int(1-t) + Net Borrowing
Remember NI has another N (NCC) included. Note 5 terms in each and note that both Int(1-t) and Net Borrowing are respectively positive. FCFF = NI + NCC + Int(1-t) - FCInv - WCInv FCFE = NI + NCC + Net Borrowing - FCInv - WCInv
EBIT has 4 letters so there are 4 terms. Remember you can only get FCFF from EBIT & EBITDA FCFF = EBIT(1-t) + Dep - FCInv - WCInv FCFF = EBITDA(1-t) + Dep(t) - FCInv - WCInv
CFO has 3 letters so there are 3 terms. There’s an ‘F’ in CFO so remember it has (-)FCInv in the formula… Again, note that Int(1-t) and Net Borrowing are respectively positive. CFO = FCFF + Int(1-t) - FCInv CFO = FCFE + Net Borrowing - FCInv
FCFE discounting using target debt ratio (DR) has all negative components in the formula. FCFE = NI - [(1 - DR) x (FCInv - Dep)] - [(1 - DR) x WCInv]
I’m a bit late with this, but I don’t know if anyone here remembers the movie with Biggie Smalls in it. (Not the rapper the character he got his name from.). From the movie Let’s do it again with Bill Cosby. Biggie was a gangster. .
It always helped me with Inventory issues. (Assuming rising prices and inventory levels.)
IF, everything is Bigg, then CC smalls.
But, when your ILL, everything’s lil, so CC Biggs
Translation: When your inventory is FIFO (IF), every thing is big except CC smalls. COGS and CF are smaller.
But when your inventory is LIFO (ILL), every thing’s lil and CC Bigs ie. COGS and CF are big.
(If prices decline, the relationships reverse).
Call Bridgette = get the PeaS
Call+Bond = Put + Stock
(I didn’t really use peas, but that’s a more internet friendly term.)