CFA Specialized Pathways

Hello, I am awaiting my L2 results due in July 2024. In the meantime, I was browsing through the CFA L3 2025 syllabus. I’m in need of some advice regarding the specialized pathways newly introduced. I’m 45 years in age, have changed my career from Software Engineering to Finance lately. After completing my L3, I’d like to work in this field for the next 27-30 years. Which pathway should I prefer, keeping in mind that currently I’ve only a meagre experience in finance. Anyone please suggest.

It seems as though the consensus among candidates and those who have seen the curriculum is to stick with the traditional Portfolio Management pathway. Primarily because the new Private Wealth and Private Markets pathways are not quite as in-depth and fleshed out as the traditional Portfolio Management pathway that has been refined and revised for decades.

Also there are years upon years of resources for the traditional pathway on AnalystForum and other places.