CFA Studying and Supplements

lol ok bro So assuming you want to add muscle, and you can stop adding muscle before your clothes become ill fitted, thus significantly destroying your net worth, I would make the following adjustments to your routine. cardio - do it after your workout not before. Use your energy on your lifts. It doesn’t make sense to burn yourself out before every workout. Also, don’t be afraid to cut it down to 1 or 2 days a week. rest - either do 3 days of full body work or 4 days of split work. Adding that full body day on day 5 will impede your results. You trained legs on day 4, no need to hit them again on day 5 split - your legs are your biggest muscle group. If you’re going to devote that many workouts a week, you should split your legs into two workouts. For example: Day 1 - Quads Day 2 - rest Day 3 - Chest & shoulders & biceps (or triceps) Day 4 - rest or cardio Day 5 - hams and glutes Day 6 - back and triceps (or biceps) Day 7 - rest or cardio. tada!

You cant do legs in one day, if so you probably arent doing them hard enough. There is so much muscle fiber to break down that you cant repair enough of the muscle in the important next few days. The reason for the different reps is because there are 3 types of muscle fiber and you need to train all 3 to gain size, plus rest joints. Credentials, Bench 330 (dumbells 125x5), Leg press (full) 900 x 5, deadlift 465 (405x12), clean and jerk 245 (yeah insert funny joke here). Ex gym mentors, Jon Anderson, Jason Kristal (google both, Strongman) from Marin.

Freerider, Arnold the Oak himself, at only like 6’2 said in the encyclopedia of bodybuilding that the taller you are, the more squats hit lower back. Being that I am 6’5, I can confirm that. Full Routine: Mon- Legs heavy day Tues- chest tris, incline emphasis Weds Back Bis, emphasis on back Thurs- cardio day (I hate cardio and am trying to put on weight, so this is my leg “lite” day) Fri- Chest tris, flat emphasis Sat- bach bis abs, emphasis on bis and abs. Sun- rest day Made possible by buy side hours. Bizbanker, not bad. NYSC only goes up to 120s on dumbells, so thats where I end.

BizBanker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Credentials, Bench 330 (dumbells 125x5), Leg press > (full) 900 x 5, deadlift 465 (405x12), clean and > jerk 245 (yeah insert funny joke here). > > Ex gym mentors, Jon Anderson, Jason Kristal > (google both, Strongman) from Marin. Holy crap! Going to start training legs on shoulder day as well.

Realwarrior you are like a combo of me and my roommate. He is 6’5 and has a hard time with some of the more compound lifts so I am training him for lower weight full extension to help him fill out for his jiujistu. Good leverage, but too much length that can go wrong. He doesnt squat either. If squats are hurting your back, try bulgarian split squats. Much better isolation and less pressure on your back because of less weight. I rarely squat, but bulgarian splits destroy the quads and upper glutes, which are nearly impossible to hit for tall people. I keep telling them to get bigger dumbells too, but only 5 people at my gym can even pick up the 125s. My old Golds Gym (lifters above) had 160s.

Really? The Oak said that? lol I’m going to have to go do some research! Thanks for possibly teaching me something new. PS holy $hit on the 6’5

wow, thanks for the advice everyone. this is why i love AF. my new years res is to work out my legs more.

Rule of thumb: if you can walk normally and are fully coordinated afterward, you havent pushed hard enough. Good luck to you. Also, check out N.O. Explode supp.

sorry, but what everyone’s quad, hammy and glute exercises?

BizBanker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Rule of thumb: if you can walk normally and are > fully coordinated afterward, you havent pushed > hard enough. Good luck to you. Also, check out > N.O. Explode supp. +1 on the not being able to walk thing, even when I breathe correctly I still see stars… NOOOOOOO N.O. Explode sucks d!ck. Try Gaspari Superpump 250 or Jack3d. N.O. Xplode is just caffeine

Quad-Full squat, front squat, bulgarian split squat, hack squat, leg press, leg extension Hams-Power deadlift, stiff leg deadlift (Romanian), leg curls, dumbell deadlift straight leg Glute- Bulgarian split, sumo squat, front squat full extension, hack squat full extension Quads, glutes, pushing motions Hams, lower back, pulling motions google any of the above for proper picture form and foot placement. If your lower back is stressed starting out with a weaker core as Realwarrior pointed out, place 2 5lb plates under your heels when you squat. Keep your knees aligned with toes, never in front of.

Time your pre-meal snack Eating a low-carbohydrate protein bar 90 minutes before you work out will enable you to exercise longer and harder (and burn more calories) than you normally would, says Steve Zim, author of “Hot Point Fitness.” However, that 90-minute mark is crucial. Eat any closer to your workout and blood will rush to your stomach, actually diminishing your performance. Breathe through your nose Inhaling and exhaling through your nose, rather than your mouth, helps stabilize your heart rate and (like the pre-workout snack) increase your endurance. The result? You work out longer and burn more calories. But don’t get discouraged if it feels unnatural at first; it takes about six to eight workouts to perfect. Do cardio last Strength-train before doing any cardiovascular work, says Ken Fitzgerald, owner of Lift Gym in New York. Why? It takes the body about 15 minutes to warm up and start burning fat. So, a 30-minute bike ride is really only burning fat for the last 15 minutes of your workout. But, if you lift weights first, your body is warmed up by the time you hit the bike, and you’ll burn fat throughout the entire ride. Value variety Do the exact same workout every time you hit the gym and your body will start to adapt to it, and eventually stop burning as many calories, says Zim. So if you jog one day, try biking or swimming the next. Or, if you weight-train from the shoulders down one day, next time begin with your legs and work up. The important thing, Zim says, is to keep your body guessing. Don’t slouch Slumping over the handlebars on a stationary bike inhibits the amount of oxygen your body can take in and slows your fat-burning process, says Fitzgerald. The bars and handles are there to help you balance, not to support you. If you can’t move without holding on, slow down. Train in intervals The best way to burn fat is to work out as hard as you can for as long as you can, says Malick Diop, a trainer at Equinox Gyms in New York. But, if you’re just starting to exercise, interval training’s your ticket. Two minutes on the treadmill at, say, 7 mph, followed by two minutes at 5 mph, then back to 7 mph (and so on) for 20 to 45 minutes will whittle away pounds and build your endurance. Eventually, you’ll be able to extend the high-intensity periods (and decrease the low ones) until your whole workout is done at top speed. Add light weights It’s a fact: The more muscle tone you have the more calories you burn, even when you’re sitting still. So, if you can’t seem to find time to weight-train and do your cardio, Zim suggests doing biceps curls and overhead presses holding two- to three-pound weights while you’re fast-walking or stair-climbing. This will build muscle tone, helping you shed more fat during your cardio workout than you would without the weights.

“Add light weights It’s a fact: The more muscle tone you have the more calories you burn, even when you’re sitting still. So, if you can’t seem to find time to weight-train and do your cardio, Zim suggests doing biceps curls and overhead presses holding two- to three-pound weights while you’re fast-walking or stair-climbing. This will build muscle tone, helping you shed more fat during your cardio workout than you would without the weights.” This is so misguided. You’re not going to build anything with 3 lbs dumbbells.

+1 Freerider, There is big misconception that you can get “toned”. Muscles are muscle mass, toning is a percentage of body fat. Body builders in the off season put on alot of weight in fat lbs, not overdoing it though, so they can put on more muscle mass. Then, close to competition, they burn it off while maintaining their gains. Even sports models dont look like that year round. You cant get “toned” and build muscle effectively at the same time. You can maintain as catabolism breaks down muscle through aerobic exercise while lifting is anaerobic.

Dont use NO products unless you are prepared for uncontrollable gushing nose bleeds… can be quite embarrassing at a meeting… I can vouch. Bizbanker… for the record, Even though I leg press 990, I rarely go above 225 lbs on squats to maintain perfect form, a tight core, and a focus on legs. However, feeling lower back soreness (not the injury kind) is inevitable the taller you are. It is just a question of leverage. You simply have to be more bent over as you get taller. And unless you are perpendicular to the ground, you are going to feel it in your lower back (just like a less focused good-morning or romanian deadlift). Check out these arnold pics:

I see what you are saying on squats, I am 6’3 and dont really feel it though. Of course I do heavy deads so my lower back is pretty strong for my height. The trade off is half squats which destroy your knees as the ligaments absorb the weight as opposed to your hamstrings and glutes. I was trained very early on to build a strong core and all around stabilizing muscles before trying to go heavy in squats. You dont have to go heavy on squats for them to be effective though. Pyramiding with 60 seconds of rest and sets of 10 will have you in and out quickly but absolutely destroyed. I think you would agree though that it is nearly impossible to put on effective muscle weight without engaging your large muscle groups appropriately. Id say about 80% of the people at my gym who try to do squats do them wrong and would be better off not doing them at all.

Just got back from a good leg day. Squat 275 x 3 Leg Press 540 x 3 (personal best!)

Most people I see doing squats only do half squats. They’d be surprised how much lighter they would have to go if they did them properly and went to 90 degrees or deeper. Also, they would probably be surprised to see what 90 degrees even looks like. Much lower than what they would have thought. nice numbers nuppal! now up the reps :slight_smile:

FreeRider Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most people I see doing squats only do half > squats. They’d be surprised how much lighter they > would have to go if they did them properly and > went to 90 degrees or deeper. Also, they would > probably be surprised to see what 90 degrees even > looks like. Much lower than what they would have > thought. > > nice numbers nuppal! now up the reps :slight_smile: +1 on the half squats. Biggest pet peeve, people doing bicep curls in the squat rack. I have a “that guy” story for you from last night; So this chief walking in wearing an underarmour shirt that is too big for him and you can see he little fatter tatters bouncing around (probably from the the 3 redbulls he just shotgunned, gotta have that sugar bro!). Of course he has the Japanese symbol on his angle and a tribal tattoo that goes around 75% of his arm, the missing 25% is on this inside of his arm which is common, because it hurts to get that done bro! Well anyway, this clown loads up a quarter on each side of the BB and I’m thinking, ok bent over rows, maybe I misjudged this guy. Nope. Homeboy starts curling like a beast, yo! Swaying back and forth like he is training to become a cross country skier. Meanwhile this hombre is giving me weird glances because I am in the “Hole” pushing as hard as I can to get these 275 lbs locked out. Oh well, at least I dont have a tribal tattoo, I may not have huge biceps though, one day I might be that cool…

I do curls in the squat rack, it’s more appropriate and better for your form to do them there than on a bench or on the floor.