CFA Studying and Supplements

I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt at the gym once that had a stick figure doing bicep curls on the squat rack. It was "X"ed out and it read “No curling in the squat rack” hehe smirk if you have the gym to yourself and you want to curl in the squat rack that’s cool. But most gyms only have 1 or 2 squat racks. You can’t squat anywhere else but you can curl in many locations.

To add to that, there are preacher station that have free mini-bb that you can add weight to as you please (usually an EZ bar and a straight bar). Usually I see guys doing curls in the squat rack with one or two dimes on the end, making it a 65-85 lb curl which you can easily get with a pre-weighted bar or a mini-bb. Just blows my mind. Plus, when I want to squat, I am usually psyched up (i psych myself up all day on big days) and if there is some schmuck in the power cage/squat rack i get crabby.

I was doing deads with my workout partner this weekend and this smaller guy comes up to us on the squat rack that he just abandoned before us and asked how many sets we had left. I stared at him blankly and then said “5…each”. Then he sulked off, and when we were done, got on the squat rack and started doing CALF RAISES. We only have one squat rack at my gym. Good work on the 275 squats, i dont go much higher than that but i do full motion, below 90. On the curls, i dont know if it bothers you guys, but i cant curl with a straight bar because of wrist splints. I only hammer curl on the preacher with dumbells for full range. My buddy had his bicep torn in jiujitsu on an arm bar because i kept telling him he needs to do full range motions or his muscles will bunch up and be to tight for real world activities.

Na I don’t curl with a straight bar either. Usually dumbbells or the EZ bar. Lately I’ve been enjoying laying back on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand hanging down the sides. It’s a good addition and it’s tough. ouch for your friend.

BizBanker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I was doing deads with my workout partner this > weekend and this smaller guy comes up to us on the > squat rack that he just abandoned before us and > asked how many sets we had left. I stared at him > blankly and then said “5…each”. Then he > sulked off, and when we were done, got on the > squat rack and started doing CALF RAISES. We only > have one squat rack at my gym. We have two good leg press machines at my gym (the nice kind with good sleds and enough room to throw on half the 45’s in the gym) and I always see the ghetto fab girls talking and getting their “work out” while doing 20 lb calf presses on my beautiful machines. They are usually in the gym before I get there and stay longer than I do (about 1.5 hours), now you can see how some people an spend 2 or 3 hours in the gym everyday and not get in better shape, “ITS GENETICS! THATS WHY I CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT!” On a side note, I need to start deadlifting again.

My meathead buddy and I have a running joke. We walk up to people and stare at them when they are on “our” machines. We are both pretty big and he is tatted up but we are the friendliest guys normally. People usually get uncomfortable and move.

Actually my reaction is the opposite when people crowd me, I pretend like I don’t see them and then hang around and may even do an extra set or two even if I’m done with the machine just to annoy them.

The one good thing about resolutioners are the girls. I mean good god, some of the talent walking around my gym in the past week has been phenomenal.

FreeRider Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most people I see doing squats only do half > squats. They’d be surprised how much lighter they > would have to go if they did them properly and > went to 90 degrees or deeper. Also, they would > probably be surprised to see what 90 degrees even > looks like. Much lower than what they would have > thought. > > nice numbers nuppal! now up the reps :slight_smile: half the people in the gym look like F’ing idiots because they try to pile as much weight on as possible and their workouts basically suck. without technique, “lifting” is basically wasting time and have fun with all the joint problems you’re going to have in the future one of the gyms by me makes me sick

If you have a shoulder injury you do not need Creatine! Go slow and steady… when you eventually plateau AND shoulder is feeling good then consider taking Creatine. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing with your muscles if your joints are messed up. Your muscles will get stronger faster than your joints. Be patient.

FUNancialAnalyst Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >Be patient. This is what is lost on so many people who go to the gym. No saying anyone here, just in general. People want to do cardio once and have six pack abs when they wake up.