Classical Song

Well, if it helps your feelings any, you significantly contribute to my self-gratification as well, Nana.

Because i make you feel smarter? LOL


I am doing this because you are probably quite attractive and thus, no man has ever overcome the desires to correct such meaningless statements. I would probably fall victim to man’s downfall myself if this was conducted in real life yet since there is no face to face interaction, i am able to judge your thoughts strictly based on its merits as opposed to the body omitting such statements. You’re welcome.


So what makes NANA Hachiko attractive and popular on AF forum? Her name? her profile pic? her intelligence? or her ^_^?

Personally, I enjoyed reading most of her comments.

Why hello there zxfmontreal, come stai? Welcome to the group.What exactly do you like about her comments?

Hello…I don’t speak italian, but…I am fine thanks how about you?

I mean, she is always polite and nice on the AF forum.

I can make intellectual connections from reading her comments (probably bcuz we are both females).

And some of her comments are inspiring. wink

I don’t listen to instruments in October. I go on strict auditory diet. Vocal jams only.

You do realize you and nanna would be enemies in real life, right? This is the dynamic nature of the female relationship, so untrue to themselves that they project this catty like demeanor to their counterparts. To presuppose my next statement with the acknowledgement that there will be a white night to the defense (probably bchad with a longwinded statement) of the female gender, but deep down even these white nights realize the truth which is about to be read. There is a solution to this and it is based on accepting nature’s way. The solution, and it is quite simple, to realize your inability, ineptness and accept your subservience. Upon doing so, and acknwoledging those other women who take on this role, your lives would be filled with much more gratitude. Having said this, you chose a life of finance coupled with the CFA, thus rendering you in constant battle against yourself, and by proxy, a battle against the same sex.

I now see bchad’s point about deteriorating quality on the forums.

lol, imagine my relief, woof woof

I can’t speak to the trend of the quality of topics but i can use your last post as guidance for comparison purposes. My last post relates to the observed dynamic between the female gender and my thoughts to remedy the fake relationships. Your last post pertains to an article from foxnews about a household drug in russia. Perhaps you should take the lead and post a topic that you find interesting, wouldn’t you agree this would be a logical step instead of discounting someone else’s post? I assume you will agree that it is a logical step, my follow up question is why did you go the route you did?

I think it was this song here:

Funny comment coming from you, because you seem to be doing a lot of discounting of my posts.

Actually you this may surprise you but i don’t have any female enemies, or male ones for that matter.

I don’t think anyone needs to compare themselves to others, perhaps i don’t do competitive sport, so i never feel the need to win.

Some girls, do, as you say, catty to each other, but my friends and i are all very relaxed and we wouldn’t stay in touch with people we don’t like so there are no people in our lives to be catty to.

In terms of women in finance, i think if you are an aggressive person, you are going to see others as enemies, or if you are like me, not particularly career driven, i’d rather make friends and make my life easier than to move ahead and be hated.

I am not sure how you came up with your thought about female genders and their relationships. You cannot and shouldn’t generalize things in life. Just because you see female relationships around you are fake doesn’t mean most female relationships are fake. you are not a woman so you don’t know how women think. you don’t live in the world of women so you have no idea how it is like.

Plus i don’t work in finance. There are women around me at workplace. But our dynamic (or the dynamic that I chose to create) is definitly different from what you described above. There are women who want to do things at their best and who focus on self-improvement instead of bitching about others behind ppl’s back.

Everyone is different.


I actually thought you might have nailed it.

Give me some rope here, but how about Dance of the Knights by Prokofiev?

EDIT: nah nevermind, the pauses don’t match.

Wait a second, I feel like I read a very similar post in here a few weeks ago, only it wasn’t expressed so exquisitely…

Sorry this is not it, although i do like this. This is much faster in pace and higher in notes.