Comprehension Problem

Good question, yes and no.

Persistent problems persist because of blockers which prevents people from seeing the answer. It’s not like the first guy to solve the problem just clearly communicates the answer to the masses, and they are like “oh we see now”. Never happened. If that were the case it wouldn’t be a persistent problem. Years later the answer to a persistent problem might become accepted, but the masses still don’t necessarily understand why it is the answer.

See the Big Short. I was like that Christian Bale character from 2002-2007. “But PA, if all this new information I am hearing is so obvious, why doesn’t anyone else see it?”. Because someone is always the first. Did anyone I talk to in those five years hear what I was saying? No. Was I saying something? Yes.

Is anyone else thinking Alphie=Blake?

Matt Ridley, in “The Rational Optimist,” explains how change in intelligence levels played no part in the explosion of technological advancement after thousands of years of stagnation. Trade, goods and ideas, and collective intelligence are far more important for “progress.” He argues that the ease in which ideas are now exchanged, and the recent willingness to share ideas, will cause progress at a pace the world has never seen. We will essentianly innovate our way out of our problems. Worth a read for sure. Taleb touches a bit on where innovation comes from as well. “Tinkering” he claims is why the USA is the most potent country the world has ever seen. Group think has to be avoided at all costs. Millions tinkering will allow us to fall upon solutions accidentally. Again, individual horsepower is less important than the number of trials. And somewhat related, an excellent argument for states’ rights.

This didn’t even cross my mind. The odds that at least two such characters could arise from the vast expanse of the internet is effectively 100%. Anyway, we all know that numi is blake, and I doubt tht he has the time to maintain a third personality.

PA offers too much useful non-tech related information to be Blake, even if the other stuff has to be pruned away to find it. PA doesn’t talk enough about either tech or sports to be Blake. Blake was more aggressively antisocial. PA is just extremely impressed with himself. Blake is Bay Area based, according to the tracer I put on the resume he copied of mine. PA is based in Korea most likely (though he may have moved recently).

So I don’t think PA is Blake, nor do I see the comparison all that close.

Remember guys, Blake and I got into a huge confrontation once. I would have had to stage a fight with myself LOL…and pretend to be a sports obsessed Texas guy or whatever. Which actually would have been pretty fun, but too much work.

considering your ego i wouldn’t put this past you.

A more complete list of observed changes over time…

  • decreased writing ability
  • decreased listening effort
  • decreased comprehension
  • increased argumentativeness
  • increased uninformed opinions
  • decreased diligence
  • decreased attention spans
  • decreased memory
  • increase in intentional incorrectness

yesWAY TO GO AF yes

^wow all that in 6 months?

broken heart


this one doesn’t belong since we read comments. you are part of the ‘problem’

I’ve not seen much Alphie has posted before but the thread on health and dieting descended into 2 highly abrasive and dismissive individuals talking across each other and sharing insults when essentially they agreed on the critical detail.

If you want people to listen to your point of view don’t try to belittle them.

Thread bump! Back in America, comprehension problem worse than ever.

At this point, I think we need to admit it’s really crossed over into mild mental retardation. surprise

_ Mental retardation, also known as intellectual disability, a disorder characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in adaptive behaviors. _

I once was reading AF on the toilet, and the screen just happened to be centered on one of PA’s posts at the exact moment when I slipped and dropped the phone into the toilet. In a panic, I got up and looked inside to try to rescue the phone. To my horror, I absolutely could not tell the difference between what was already there in the bowl and the PA post-soiled screen. Regrettably, I cut my losses and flushed everything in disgust.

I got a new phone, though, no worries.

/golf clap

Bwahaha, great story! yes

Cmon though, if you can’t see this problem in America, you’ve got bigger problems than poop on your phone.

^ there are really dumb people everywhere in this world and the problem is only getting worse since natural selection hasn’t been much of a factor for quite some time now. your observation about America I can’t necessarily disagree with, but this isn’t an isolated case. I would assume the growth rate of “mild mental retardation” is accelerating faster in most other countries.

Speaking of comprehension problems, PA, yours are on display in Technicolor here:

Did bchad declare victory over PA yet? This was a slaughter.

I’m having trouble understanding this thread.