Comprehension Problem

you have too much faith in populations past. dying at birth or dying in your first year of life doesn’t mean you’re an idiot. it means you’re physically inferior. if anything has changed, it is that much of the general population is now book smart and not street smart. i know hundreds of high IQ people with little knowledge of the world around them or how to communicate to other humans. back in the day, you’re livelihood depended on social interaction and nobody knew anything about anything so only intellectuals and royalty could walk around saying ‘people are idiots these days’.

Yes. So the mildly retarded as SA was referring to have a higher probability of surviving until adulthood today vs 50,100,200+ years ago due to advances in healthcare and much greater standards of living in the U.S and across the globe. The selection mechanism is less prevalent.

It’s all relative too. Historically, people are on average smarter today than in the past, but idiots do exist obviously. Also, its relative to our social/work circles. We all walk around thinking so and so from work or our group of friends is an idiot, but in reality the true idiots at the bottom of the intellectual pyramid probably exist in abundance outside of our daily social interaction.

I agree mostly, but just from spending a lot of time around the world, I would say US is really falling fast. I still consider NE Asia to have “basic thinking skills”, it’s all relative, but high thinking skills relative to the states.

Oh, one other thing. Is everyone smoking pot now? I swear every time we go out walking, we smell it around 2-5 times during the walk. Was wondering, is the fall in thinking skills, partially because everyone is stoned? This was always my theory; that legalization would just accelerate idiocracy.


So fast forward a couple years and we now have America’s best intellectuals (the few that remain) analyzing this topic. Professors Saad explains the collapse of thinking abilities as Idea Pathogens. And he has 90 minutes of fantastic data supporting this theory (data of course means nothing to those with infected minds, they are zombified…so I’m just speaking to myself here, the last guy who didn’t get bit).

The theory—that these are made-in-a-lab ideas, that can spread like a virus, and paralyze thinking abilities—explains so many observations. And so, how did so many people, who are separated by distance, all lose their mind in precisely the same manner? And how did I not? These idea pathogens are spread by the corporate media and universities, but since I have uncommonly tight barriers erected against knowledge, I have not be infected.

This also explains why I as an outsider, found it so shocking, while you guys as carriers of the pathogen, didn’t notice anything. You guys were all drinking the corporate Brawndo, all experiencing the same mental loss, and so it was just “normal.”
