constructive response - pls recommend acronyms to save time

hi guys - which acronyms are acceptable in essay writing, without first specifying what they mean? Practicing CR, it occurred to me that using as most acronyms as possible would save quite a lot of seconds in CR. CR, for instance, saved me 11 seconds just now, vs writing constructive response.

P/F instead of portfolio would save me about 3-4 seconds.

any thoughts or recommendations for efficient uses of acronyms in CR? thanks much!

P/F isnt good as its not standard and doesnt make any sense. maybe Port is better.

Here are my personal favorites to save time:

Interest - int

GIPS - gip

dividend - div

statement - stm

analyst - anal

Performance - pf

equity - eq

bonds - fi

management - mgt

forwards - fwd

grinold-kroner - GK or grin

strategy - strat

benchmark - bench

spread duration - sd

convexity - c

calcuation - calc

recommend - rec

please - pls

advantage - adv

international - int

manager - mgr

topdown - top

bottomup - b-up

level 3 - l3

high yield - hy

corporate bond - corpb

inflation - inf

systematic - sys

fundamental - fund

description - desc

composite - comp

compensation - comp

oas - os

I think abbreviations (thx S2) are overkill. If you need them as a way to optimize time spent to write out your reasoning/response, I think you’re already attempting to write too much

For whatever it’s worth, while those are all abbreviations, none of them are acronyms.

Why risk them not understanding. If it is not used in the books then don’t do it. For the majority of them you don’t actually need to write much per question in L3 compared with other exams. Practice being concise and that will give you more time.

I get it. Thanks everyone for thoughts!

u r welc i hop this hlp’d and we will rec with top mk on the am xam.

Bad, bad idea. Why? Choose the right answer:

  1. Answer could be misinterpreted
  2. Grader could get annoyed
  3. You could appear unprofessional
  4. English is a beautiful language
  5. All of the above

However, official acronyms are acceptable:

These are especially useful.

Only 5 (maybe 5½) of the items on that list are acronyms. All are abbreviations, and most are initialisms.

I do wish that people would learn what the word acronym means.




Oh c’mon teacher, you’re too strict