Hello yall.
My boss (SS ER) wants me to move to NYC so I can get in front of clients more. I’ve been working from home in the burbs of NE for the past few years, since COVID started. I don’t really wanna do this because I have a good lifestyle where I am, and don’t really like NYC. It’d also be a huge hit in terms of living expenses. It’s also not in line with my goals of moving to the buy side. That said, I honestly am having so much trouble making a move to the buy side that it may be the only way.
My GF also wants me to move to SF with her for 6 months to work at a tech firm there. I would obviously have to be up at like, 430 every day for work. Which sounds like hell to me. But I would like to see more of the country, and I love CA.
Thoughts are appreciated.