Credit crunch banker leaps to his death in front of express train

London seems to be a lot worse than NYC

holy crap

“New Zealand-born Mr Stephenson, who owned a £3.6million, five-storey house in Chelsea and a retreat in the West Country,” Virgin, you need to see if you can buy this cheap.

did you see the auto sales report? who needs credit? nobody is buying regardless.

Isn’t this all related though - aren’t auto sales related to credit? I know a couple of companies chopped their leasing/financing programs.

projectplatnyc Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Isn’t this all related though - aren’t auto sales > related to credit? I know a couple of companies > chopped their leasing/financing programs. GMAC first of all…is in very bad shape…

GM cars were the best performing (only down 15%).

virginCFAhooker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > GM cars were the best performing (only down 15%). Well…this data is biased…there were well performing because US government is still supporting car loans… just remember GM has $39bn negative Net worth… if they have a big drop in sales things would get very nasty.