Damn the Man!

you know…similar to what members of congress and the senate are able to do


Congress can insider trade without resigning. Also, apparently they are currently on “summer break”. What?


Mods please delete this thread. I am uncomfortable with the information thats already been disclosed here.

What? As far as I can tell, there’s nothing specific or actionable.

If CvM requests it, I’ll delete. He’s the one that wanted advice.

I’m not sure what’s so sinister about this thread. No companies have been named, and there’s not enough information to gather the names of the companies.

Plus, I’m not sure how trustworthy an “anonymous” forum is. I have no idea who CvM is, or whether he’s even telling the truth. He may be a loser posting from his parent’s basement in central Florida, in between breaks from playing Halo 3 for all I know.

lol who are you to request deleting a thread because you are uncomfortable?!

I am uncomfortable with YOUR post. Mods, plz delete


No one can verify whether CFvsMB has already privately disclosed to other members where he works or not. If someone who is reading this knows the name of his company, they could theoretically deduce the rest of the info based on what he’s already said. It is downright irresponsible for a moderator to allow the provider of potential MNPI the choice of whether or not to withdraw his information or not. As it stands, the moderator is already complicit in any illicit activity that occurs as a result of this information.

Just make sure you got the other job set with the paperwork and all. A verbal offer from the CFO is not set in stone. But then again… wtf do I know about getting jobs?

Congrats anyways, glad you’re staying in NYC and not Podunk.

not even close. every large corporation has merger research departments operating on a daily basis.

It is time you step away from the internet for a while.

^^^ That’s pretty well thought out for a joke.

CvM - I’m generally not an advocate of hopping within 6 months, but misrepresenation of duties is a killer to me. If you’d misrepresented your skills, they would drop you in a heartbeat, so move on.

Is it just me or are there like three new people posting today? I feel like we should have a welcome party or something.

Hey, that means there will be an opening at his current job.


MNPI is ok and if you work on a street there is a chance you overhead some one over lunch or in elevator. Just dont ever act on or communicate it to someone else and you will be ok

Well, if IHIHM has already traded based on information here, then it would be a bad idea for me to destroy evidence of it. At the end of the day, it’s iHIHM’s responsibility not to trade on inside info, not my responsibility to prevent him from doing it by actions extremely unlikely to make a difference.

But it was a good joke.

Trade away people. A company that may be located in NYC may be doing a merger in another state. Sounds so material to me!

Offer accepted and even negotiated higher. In this world, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you can negotiate.

Yo Higgy, what was the name of that bar where that BSD would get drunk and spill the over the wall secrets?

I heard the Korean Deli on my corner is going to make a hostile bid for the Middle Eastern Falafel cart on 73rd and Broadway.

This coming from a moderator who not only condoned but also participated in a thread perpetuating racial stereotypes of black people.

You must be smokin’ some serious sh!t, dude.

Just because I don’t nuke a thread doesn’t mean I condone it. And just because I post something on it doesn’t mean I support it either.

The best way to deal with stereotypes is to push back or define where they are useful and where they aren’t (e.g. police are helpful people to talk to: well, maybe that depends on what communithy you’re in). This is why I don’t immediately nuke threads that touch on touchy subjects. You usually get more out the discussion than you do by censoring people.

It’s only when personal attacks, consistent over-the-top language, and that sort of stuff come into play that (in my mind) it becomes nuke-worthy.