Demand for CFA charter holders

Which country has the greatest demand for CFA charter holders or candidates ?


Any particular reason or reasons ?

Not in the US.


There’s demand for Candleholders in Canada, just way too much supply.

Also huge preference for CPA’s for some reason.

ya’ll got a lot of handles to hold, eh?

what you really should be asking is where is there a big unmet need for CFA Charterholders. demand high means crap if the supply is already 5x available demand. in short, Thailand

definitely not in India, try searching jobs with “MBA” and then with “CFA”, you will see the great disparity in your search results.

I am happy to be proven incorrect

I’m starting to think the CFA only has career value to those already in buy-side positions. The Catch-22, of course, is most people in buy-side positions most likely don’t need the designation to advance. The material/knowledge is valuable, but it seems the job prospects post-CFA are overrated. That said, I haven’t done the CFA networking bit so I may be wildly mistaken.

u aint wrong

probably Zimbabwe


For people looking for a change in career…You need an MBA to get into…CFA alone won’t help

No…its more for MBA than CFA