Denominator in DDM of REITs

There are to questions in CFAI curriculum where they use two drifferent denominators in divident discount model in terms of REITs terminal value calculation (reading 39), namely:

  1. EOC question #12: “re-g” 2. EOC question #4: “re-rf”

Can anyone explain why they used risk-free rate insted of growth rate?

it’s a mistake, it should be re-g for ddm

Are u sure? The same disount rate (re-rf) is used in schwesser notes in one example in this reading. Coincidence? I doubt it…

i thought it was in the cfai errata but it isn’t.

the schweser errata corrects both instances that they use re-rfr for the terminal value to re-g.

I’m slightly concerned that it isn’t in the cfai errata as i’m sure someone would have informed them. I still can’t think why you would use the required return minus the risk free rate though, it makes no sense.

EOC Question 4 also builds on the (re-g) in denominator: re = 8%, g=4% (for REIT C - dividend growth rate after year 3)