Anyone knows when the more detailed grade comes out? Was supposed to be sent out within a week. I passed but would be very interesting to see how I scored (roughly, over/under 70% etc).
I’m wondering too…the website did say within the week.
Just received breakdown via e-mail. Barely made it IMO. Phew…
Didn’t get the e-mail (bulk folder?) but my details were on the site. >70% on all except for <50% on CDO. I never could find the time to study that small section…will have to bone up for L2.
Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Between 50 and 60% Ethics: Greater than 70% Hedge Funds: Between 60 and 70% Private Equity: Between 60 and 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70%
I so wish this was my CFA L2 results…LOL Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Greater than 70% Ethics: Greater than 70% Hedge Funds: Between 60 and 70% Private Equity: Greater than 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70% 68% pass rate for CAIA L1, they are taking this sucka down!
wow, think I over-prepared. I was actually struggling with the time, only had like 60 sec left for both parts. Commodities Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives Greater than 70% Ethics Greater than 70% Hedge Funds Greater than 70% Private Equity Greater than 70% Quantitative Greater than 70% Real Estate Greater than 70%
Isn’t it true that this is the first time the CAIA exam passing rate has dipped below the 70% mark? Before taking the exam, I always heard people whinning about its high passing rate. Anyway, here is the breakdown of my results. The Ethics part is tricky man! Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Greater than 70% Ethics: Between 60 and 70% Hedge Funds: Greater than 70% Private Equity: Greater than 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70%
The detailed results were not very informative…First I thought that they will only indicate if you have more or less than 70% (I had “greater than 70%” in all categories) . Now I see that there were more details if you were below that mark but not if you were above. I also think I overprepared but may it’s better this way As someone pointed out, the cost of taking the exam was pretty high so it was good to play it safe… BTW, after browsing the new CAIA level 1 book my initial impression was that the L1 will be a lot easier in the next round. The material that we had in Lhabitant’s book has been stripped down & the page count more than halved.
Hi guys, congrats on passing the exams…I’m planning to register for the March 2010 exams…Any studying tips you guys can share would be greatly appreciated =)
Here are mine Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Greater than 70% Ethics: Between 60 and 70% Hedge Funds: Between 60 and 70% Private Equity: Greater than 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70% I have to bone up on ethics, considering that this was my third time with this topic (studied this twice before for CIPM). Anyone studying for level 2 in Singapore?
Passed Commodities Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives Greater than 70% Ethics Between 60 and 70% Hedge Funds Greater than 70% Private Equity Greater than 70% Quantitative Greater than 70% Real Estate Greater than 70%