Detailed grades Level 1???

Anyone knows when the more detailed grade comes out? Was supposed to be sent out within a week. I passed but would be very interesting to see how I scored (roughly, over/under 70% etc).

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I’m wondering too…the website did say within the week.

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Just received breakdown via e-mail. Barely made it IMO. Phew…

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Didn’t get the e-mail (bulk folder?) but my details were on the site. >70% on all except for <50% on CDO. I never could find the time to study that small section…will have to bone up for L2.

Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Between 50 and 60% Ethics: Greater than 70% Hedge Funds: Between 60 and 70% Private Equity: Between 60 and 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70%

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I so wish this was my CFA L2 results…LOL Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Greater than 70% Ethics: Greater than 70% Hedge Funds: Between 60 and 70% Private Equity: Greater than 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70% 68% pass rate for CAIA L1, they are taking this sucka down!

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wow, think I over-prepared. I was actually struggling with the time, only had like 60 sec left for both parts. Commodities Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives Greater than 70% Ethics Greater than 70% Hedge Funds Greater than 70% Private Equity Greater than 70% Quantitative Greater than 70% Real Estate Greater than 70%

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Isn’t it true that this is the first time the CAIA exam passing rate has dipped below the 70% mark? Before taking the exam, I always heard people whinning about its high passing rate. Anyway, here is the breakdown of my results. The Ethics part is tricky man! Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Greater than 70% Ethics: Between 60 and 70% Hedge Funds: Greater than 70% Private Equity: Greater than 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70%

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The detailed results were not very informative…First I thought that they will only indicate if you have more or less than 70% (I had “greater than 70%” in all categories) . Now I see that there were more details if you were below that mark but not if you were above. I also think I overprepared but may it’s better this way :wink: As someone pointed out, the cost of taking the exam was pretty high so it was good to play it safe… BTW, after browsing the new CAIA level 1 book my initial impression was that the L1 will be a lot easier in the next round. The material that we had in Lhabitant’s book has been stripped down & the page count more than halved.

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Hi guys, congrats on passing the exams…I’m planning to register for the March 2010 exams…Any studying tips you guys can share would be greatly appreciated =)

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Here are mine Commodities: Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives: Greater than 70% Ethics: Between 60 and 70% Hedge Funds: Between 60 and 70% Private Equity: Greater than 70% Quantitative: Greater than 70% Real Estate: Greater than 70% I have to bone up on ethics, considering that this was my third time with this topic (studied this twice before for CIPM). Anyone studying for level 2 in Singapore?

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Passed Commodities Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives Greater than 70% Ethics Between 60 and 70% Hedge Funds Greater than 70% Private Equity Greater than 70% Quantitative Greater than 70% Real Estate Greater than 70%

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