Could anyone help me to understand what is the difference between market neutral long-short strategy and long-short strategy?
How neutral long-short strategy can creat beta = 0. what type of mechanism market neutral long-short strategy use to creat beta = 0. I read the curriculum, but totally do not understand how does it work. I really need your expertise.
Market-neutral long-short equity is just a special case of long-short equity. Long-short equity just means you’re long some equities or equity indices and short some equities or equity indices. Your exposure could be negative (net short= more short exposure than long exposure), positive (net long= more long exposure than short exposure) or neutral (net neutral= same long and short exposure).
I think the reading refers to these on a market-sensitvity basis, so the long and short exposure are looked at in terms of beta-adjusted exposures rather than just dollar exposures.