Different Exam Questions for 6th and 7th

Anyone talk to their buddies (obviously afterwards) who gave the exam on the 6th while you gave it on the 7th…or vise versa? The exams are completley different…we tried talking about our questions today and both got realy confused until we figured this out. (For those who dont know about 2 different dates…people east of India like Singapore, Malaysia,etc gave the Exam on the 7th)

I really hope so. I did it on 7th dec. I found that some discussion about the exam questions posted on this forum is different with mine, such as the forward rate question here http://www.analystforum.com/phorums/read.php?11,876577 (I remember it was asking for 2 year f-rate 1 year from now). how about you? or it’s just me, I am so freak out now :frowning: