So I was wondering about this the other day… Near the end of most interviews, the “Do you have any questions” question is inevitable. Obviously, I usually write a list out beforehand, but just curious if there’s a guideline for how long this should go on. For instance, sometimes I’ve asked 4 or 5 well thought-out, probing questions which we discussed for 10-15 minutes, yet the interviewer continues to ask if I have any more. Are they just being polite or does this mean they expect me to have more? I think this is especially hard to pick up on in phone interviews because there’s no non-verbal cues to pick up on. Certainly its a balance between showing you’ve done your research/homework vs. bogging them down but I just wanted to get other opinions. Also, when you sit down with 3 or 4 people back-to-back, you generally have all your questions answered by the first few people. Do you just re-ask questions those same questions or can you say that your questions have already been answered. Thanks for your thoughts!
I always like to finish with: “At what income level do most partners/principals/senior executives begin to keep something on the side?” Of note, I’m not talking about “other business interests”.
By the end of the interview I have all my questions answered. I would re-ask the same questions but be careful to seem like they are fresh questions. While the interviewer is answering my first question I make sure to be thinking of an other one to ask. I also write down some questions to ask in my notepad. Always make sure you have plenty of questions as you don’t want that bad date- deer in the headlights moment where neither of you have anything to say.