Does getting your resume forwarded to HR help or

or is it much better to get it forward to the hiring managers only?

I’ve been trying to do both and no interviews yet.


All about getting your name in front of the hiring manager. Otherwise you’re a piece of paper in a huge pile.

By saying “getting” it forwarded, I take that to mean you have a connection already working there that’s forwarding your resume on your behalf? If that’s the case, have him/her send it to both HR and the hiring manager. But, where it ends up is less important than how important the guy/gal is that’s forwarding your resume.

If you meant you’re emailing it out yourself…best of luck with that.

I’ve had probably 4 of 5 resumes “forwarded to HR” and never heard a word from any of them after that.

^HR is useless you need to try and get in touch with the hiring manager

unless your scores/stats/abs are off the chart you need to network your way in.

i’m <2 removed from undergrad and it took me 6-8 months to build my network. once you have a base network your connections will expand almost exponentially and will be a significant help in your job hunt. When your network is establish, it is nearly meaningless to apply online/thru hr. always better to have a handful of people you can call at any moment and ask if they know anyone from company x or y, and if so can they put you in touch with them.

person in charge of hiring

There are 2 piles: the one HR has and the one the hiring manager has through people around him forwarding him resumes. The one HR has has 300 applications and you are gambling that HR can competently filter the best 10 to the hiring manager. The pile the hiring manager has contains 10-15 applications. Which pile do you think you have the best chance?