Drunk analyst forum

Absolutely! Haven’t you seen “Drunk History” on Comedy Central. Making hammered people think is the best!

I was especially holding out to see if #3 would trigger some kind of meltdown as sad wasted person gets all upset insisting it isn’t true :slight_smile:

yeah but c’mon K, 10 drunk financial questions and none about a naked long?

disappointed in you

But naked longs aren’t dangerous. Your risk is defined :wink:

… drunkish,why isn’t anyone bumping snake eater ? I am sad with y’all

Stategic placement of propaganda. I’m trying to be a good influence on these patrons…

While the mods are asleep you can put any picture you want and take it off 20 minutes later.

When I put something up, I keep it up. I have integrity

We can pretend it’s nothing. You still have integrity.

Someone scored >70% on Ethics.

Thinking that would eventually be painful.

I’ve had about 30 drams of Oban and watching Mysteries at the Museum on Travel Channel. What’s up AF? This show is dumb.

^ good choice of dram my lass.

I got back from a night out and saw this post at 1am. I still had a browser window open with a picture that reminded me a bit of you (or how I imagine you from your description and your avatar and things that you said), but I thought that as a mod, I needed to set a good example so held off. It was an awesome dress, though.

The picture is SFW but I fear it would have invited other posters to go down a path that would subsequently have required pruning.

Hope those drams went down well.

Drink selection: yes

Amount and quality of drunken rambling: no

@Bchad, the fact that someone with a mind like yours has interpreted my appearance in such a favorable light is a true compliment :slight_smile:

@Breadmaker (ha, I was going to call you “BM” but though better of it) will try to get drunker next time and rant, meltdown, or otherwise embarrass myself, ok. As it was, although I had the night off of work, I did not have the night off of my nightly trading commitment starting at 3am. Had to keep it in the “sober up in a couple hours” zone. Ended up having a great last session of the week yes

Definitely not drunken rambling…

ok come over KMD

Ok, send the jet over. (Not the little one. Send the big one)… and Lagavulin, I need a bottle of that. Oh, and I wanna watch Mysteries at the Museum on the ride over so hook that up. Please.

Does it have to be the rose gold jet?

I’m very low on Oban and Lagavulin. Fortunately, the local Costco (usually) stocks each.

i thought u dont like mysteries at the museum?