You just need to know what is a straddle as I mentioned in my first post.
Hence, the trader is expecting that the FX market become more volatile, the correct strategy is betting on volatility. Hence, straddle should be an optimal position.
If you know that straddle is constructed by buying ATM call and put with same strike on same underlying, you will chose those options which strikes are quite near current underlying price, S.
With current position the value of u put is 0,05 above the current underlying spot price and the value of a call is 0,05 below spot price.
The BE with straddle strategy is therefore= Max (S - X, 0) + Max (X-S, 0) - C -P = 0 hence
= Max (1,035 - 1,04 ) + Max (1,04-1,035) -0,017-0,004 = 0
To reach the break even point you should cover both premium costs and this is eqal $ 0,021.
Since put position value is already worth 0,05 , the underlying price should decline further for (+ 0,021 - 0,05) = 0,016 or
1,035 - 0,016 = 1,019 to put value increase to cover the premium costs.
thus BE 1
= Max (1,035-1,04, 0) + Max ( 1,04- 1,019 ) -0,017-0,004 = 0
to calculate BE 2
Since call position is already - 0,05 below current market price, the price should rise further for (+ 0,021 + 0,05) = 0,026 or
1,035 + 0,026 = 1,061 to cover the premium costs.
thus BE 2
= Max ( 1,061 -1,04, 0) + Max ( 1,04- 1,061, 0 ) -0,017-0,004 = 0
Another available options strategy is not applicable for betting on volatility in this case, With X = $ 0,98, Call is already deeply ITM while Put is deeply OTM and entering into such position will not be appropriate given the trader’s expectations.