Eligibility for CFA


I am a Bsc. in Applied Computing (Honours) student. I will have completed three years out of four this coming August once I sit two exams I have to pass (I have taken some time out of the course). I am not Interested in it, nor do I enjoy the course and struggle with programming (even more so after the time out), so I do not wish to complete it unless I have to.

If I were to leave after completing 3 out of the 4 years, I would have an ordinary level bachelors. Would this meet the requirement of having a ‘bachelors degree or equivalent’, in order to sit and complete all 3 levels. The CFAI won’t give me any clarity on the situation. They just keep repeating the requirements and saying if I’m unsure, to contact my college. My college can only tell me I would graduate with an ordinary Bachelors, as how are they to know if it meets the CFAI requirements.

I am aware that you can combine professional work and education to total four years - so my 3 year bachelors and one year of full time interning would suffice, but I’m trying to find out if my ordinary bachelors alone would be enough, to save me interning a year in a field I have no interest working in (IT). I’ve had more positive feedback than negative, but nobody has given me a definite answer. Ideally, I’d like to know before graduating with 3 years complete out of 4, as when its done, its done.

Can anyone shed some light on my situation?

Thanks guys.

what exactly is the issue?

>> A bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree or be in the final year of your bachelor’s degree program.

>> You will have to complete your bachelor’s degree program in order to register for the Level II exam

A 3-year non-honors degree fits that just as well as a 4-year honors degree

You can take L1 before graduating if you’re in the final year of your degree, and that may be an issue for you: if you’re doing a 3-year degree, then you’re in the final year right now. If you’re doing a 4-year degree, you are not in the final year.

Three year bachelor doesn’t imply that it isn’t US equivalent. Take for e.g. our Mumbai university bachelors program, it is both - a three year program and an US equivalent program.