Qns 20, Reading 20 yield curve stratgies.
Exhibit 1 Cefrino Sovereign Bond Fund Current Fund Holdings of On- theRun Bonds
Maturity Coupon/YTM Market Value Modified Duration
1- year 0.78% $10,000,000 0.99
3- year 1.40% $10,000,000 2.92
5- year 1.80% $10,000,000 4.74
10- year 2.34% $10,000,000 8.82
30- year 2.95% $10,000,000 19.69
Portfolio 1.85% $50,000,000 7.43
Over the next 12 months, Abram expects a stable yield curve; however, Edgarton
expects a steepening yield curve, with short- term yields rising by 1.00% and long- term yields rising by more than 1.00%.
Exhibit 2 Selected Partial Durations
Maturity Beginning Yield Curve Curve Shift Current Portfolio Partial PVBP Pro Forma Portfolio 1
Partial PVBP
Pro Forma Portfolio 2
Partial PVBP
1- year 0.78% 1.00% 0.0020 0.0018 0.0021
3- year 1.40% 1.00% 0.0058 0.0044 0.0061
5- year 1.80% 1.25% 0.0095 0.0114 0.0095
10- year 2.34% 1.60% 0.0177 0.0212 0.0159
30- year 2.95% 1.75% 0.0394 0.0374 0.0394
Based on exhibits 1 & 2, which of the following portfolios is most likely to have the best performance given Edgarton’s yield curve expectation.
A Current Portfolio
B. Pro Forma Portfolio 1
C. Pro Forma Portfolio 2
The given answer is C. Given Edgarton’s expectation for steeping yield curve, the best strategy is to shorten portfolio duration by more heavily weighting shorter maturities.
Can anyone kindly explain why C is the answer as I thought B might be the answer given that pro forma portoflio 1 has it’s more partial durations in 5-year and 10-year partial PVBP (look like a bullet structure and bullet outperform in steeping yield curve).
Thanks in advance