Can some one, please expalin trhe below. All of the following procedures are recommended to comply with CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards, EXCEPT: A) restrict employee trades 30 calendar days before and 5 calendar days after the release of a research report. B) prohibit communication between the research employees and investment banking employees before the publication of a research report. C) update research recommendations annually. Your answer: A was incorrect. The correct answer was C) update research recommendations annually. 2) Which one of the following least accurately describes the CFA Institute Standard about using material nonpublic information? A) An analyst may use nonmaterial nonpublic information as long as it has been developed under the Mosaic Theory. B) An analyst using material nonpublic information may be fined by CFA Institute. C) An analyst may violate this Standard by passing information to others even when it has been obtained from outside the company. Your answer: C was incorrect. The correct answer was B) An analyst using material nonpublic information may be fined by CFA Institute.
For Q1, C is not a recommended procedure, because the curriculum says to update regularly ( quarterly is “preferred”), but does not impose any specific period. You can read every single page, I am pretty sure that they never mention that it is recommended to udpade research reports within a specific time frame
For Q2, C is incorrect because standard #2A Material non public information states: “Don’t act or cause others to act on material nonpublic information” (i.e. pass such information to others is clearly a violation).
Answer B is wrong, simply because it’s never mentioned anywhere as well. You may lose your charter, should you commit a serious violation, but the CFAI does not act as a court!