Regarding compinsation, when do we need a written approval from your employers vs verbal approval only?
i came accross a question where it was a violation because the employee only got a verbal and not written approval from his/her employer. on an other questions, it is fine that a verbal approval was granted instead of a written approval.
I believe compinsations for future compensaion require written approval, but not sure. is there a rule for when employees should get written vs verbal approvals for clients vs prospect clients?
1)my question is when do we need written approvals from our employer vs verbal approval only?
US tressurey bonds are default risk free, but is that applicable to major Eurepian nations like Germany, England or france?
You need a written approval always with regards to additional compensation. In the event of an immaterial gift, and you were unable to get permission before accepting, you must disclose to your employer.
US treasury bonds are “virtually” risk free, they are not really risk free. This is a convention. Why? US dollars are accepted around the world.
Risk premiums adjust returns for marginal risk, so check the soveraign bond spreads for those countries and see the “minimal” difference between them. All of them are “virtually” risk-free but only on their own currency.
BCRP (Banco Central de Reserva del Perú) for example is the central bank for Peru, it issues bonds in PEN currency, those bonds are virtually risk free for me. Why? The bank just needs to print more money. Of course, this action is the last desired.