
the first two readings of ethics look pretty much the same…

may be its the item set questions that makes it a different game?

Yea, I did good in the normal EOC but when dealing with the vignettes i struggled when dealing with them.

They are sooooooo long, the first part of ethics is the same as level I, new stuff starts at soft dollar

i find ethics interesting overall…

just needed few extra cups of coffee to concentrate on prudence in perspective…

Guys a word of caution… Ethics in vignette format can be extremely confusing… Ive known people who have got screwed because of this… I just could not believe that I got only 50-70 in L2 ethics. I thought it was my strong point, because in each of the mocks I was scoring in high 80s…

But the June 2012 Ethics (AM or PM I dont remember) one session was really killing. Hardly got grasp because of the amount of data given. The whole point in L2 ethics is extract needed information to answer the question from the data you have… Sounds simple but not too easy IMHO. (well, atleast I found it too tough).

My suggestion would be to do an ethics vignette question every second day and get into that HABIT of answering them easily. This section was the only one where I spent more than the stipulated 18 minutes for each vignette.

All the best.

sooraj is absolutely right… i got above 90% while trying normal mcqs but only 50% when it comes to vignette…