I will be grateful for your help as I face a truly difficult issue of choosing between two prep tools: EY academy in my country and Bloomberg Prep.
Bloomberg Prep tool seems to offer outstanding preparation based not only on AI but also an unlimited amount of questions I can ask tutors (if I sign for a premium account) and there are 3 tutors listed on the tool’s page. Sounds promising, but what worries me is that I can’t find any objective non-marketing information about this tool from people who have already tried it and hence how it does work / or not. I have sent an email to their support team more than a day ago, and I got no answer still, which is truly worrisome - if I pay them a rather huge sum, but will not be able to get a support within a reasonable time (more than 24 hours is pretty reasonable in this case of so called hi-tech tool), how can I trust these guys?
So, if any of you have tried the tool, please, share your thoughts, real thoughts - how good is it, is it worth it, does it cover the material on a deep level?
EY Academy course costs enormous amount of money, truly expensive, and there are some other disadvantages of the course, but a huge advantage is that it is based on well-known and tested for ages Kaplan-Schwesser books.
Please, help me by giving some real information about the bloomberg tool.
Thanks everyone. Well, I decided to take EY course, especially after getting an answer from Bloomberg Prep. - someone, even without a signature, wrote a message, which, apart from being sent 3 days after my request, contained a few mistakes and was written hastily. So, as far as this exam is too hard to get ready to, I decided not to risk - strange, though, that Bloomberg offers such poor service trying to get to market of cfa prep. Anyways, now I have to try and do my best, especially in terms of learning how to physically pass the exam that lasts 8 hours and is so stressful.