Not sure about you guys, but every once in a while I read a post or a comment on AF and wish there was a ‘Like’ button to press.
Of course, you can quote and reply and get 1 AF point in the process but I feel a Like button will be way better.
Not sure about you guys, but every once in a while I read a post or a comment on AF and wish there was a ‘Like’ button to press.
Of course, you can quote and reply and get 1 AF point in the process but I feel a Like button will be way better.
During the last two years or so I’ve been campaigning to include Like and Dislike buttons. Unfortunately Chad doesn’t listen to me, presumably since a little incident when I got banned from AF a while ago.
Not sure about dislike button as it can be prone to abuse
We don’t need no haters on AF please
Not sure about a like button, but I’m sympathetic to a structure like for the exam forums (even though I don’t use them anymore). This will allow the best answer to float up to the top based on what people think is most helpful. However, not all forum posts in those forums are specifically questions related to the exam, which would suggest a separate set of forums just for questions about the exams and another for general discussion about the exams.
This comes up all the time and Chad never responds. CHAD NEVER RESPONDS. _ CHAD NEVER RESPONDS _.
There, now if he’s anything like Beetlejuice he’ll have to show up.
What magic is supposed to happen when this mythical “like” button is pressed? If it makes sense, I will ask David if it can be added. I have thought about adding a Karma rating based on something similar to a like. Thanks for the feedback.
Huh, so that does work.
A “like” or “karma” system is much needed. There are myriad reasons…How about when someone on the L2 board has a question. A few people provide tips or answers but if we could all “like” or “upvote” the best answer it would validate the best reply.
Or in this forum we could express our disdain for certain trolls by simply “disliking” or “downvoting” them instead of feeding them with replies. And, since every thread in Water Cooler is either a debate or something funny a feedback system has obvious positive benefits. Let’s face it, there are about a dozen of us that take over most threads. There have to be tons of lurkers that don’t want to get involved but have an opinion. It’s just another way of encouraging participation.
Like/dislike would be a good first step, but a karma system would be terrific. Either is much better than what we have now. I mean really, how many other boards do you see that don’t have some sort of feedback system anymore? Let’s join 2010 and do it already.
Edit: Just curious, but aside from a few man hours to get it in place, what’s the downside?
I think AF points should be linked to Like/Dislike buttons. In the current system, you only get points if you make comments. This allows certain people to accumulate thousands of points regardless of quality of contributions… cough… cough…
Some of the lowest quality posts result in the best threads though.
I’m with Chad here (the founder, not the moderator). There’s no point to have a like/dislike option. We can have a great liberal response in a thread that gets disliked very early on by conservatives and vice versa. Or a HCB thread that gets many likes only to find out that people have bad taste in HCBs.
we should just have the LIKE / DISLIKE button only for the Internal forums like the CFA and career stuff. Water Cooler will not have the button.
This way the stuff that matters will have a rating system, and the BS we post here won’t matter
Who’s Chad the moderator? It’s not me. As far as I know, Chad is both a founder and a moderator.
Anyway, it can’t hurt to try it and see how it works, assuming its not too difficult to set up. If it seems to be manipulated or grossly distorted, then one can take it off again or adapt it somehow.
^ It’s you
So many people think you’re the same guy that I thought I’d play along!
I think Frank Arabia should start with a -100 dislike position given his KKard obsession
Sounds like highschool politics. Boring. I used to run a similar forum and while people like using it, the whole thing turns into a popularity contest. People become afraid to say what they think.
I like the discourse on this forum. It’s very healthy. You might notice that I use it as a sounding board for a lot of my wacky ideas. If there were a like button it is much less likely that people would respond truthfully.
LIKE. Also, to add, everytime he mentions KK is an auto -10 AF points
if he get -1000 AF points, he must buy everybody on this forum a drink