Final 4 weeks strategy - Dec2020

Hi guys, no cancellation of the exam in my city, wondering how others like me are preparing during the last 4 weeks ?

Mock and Qbank all the way, might create some refined summary notes to review right before the exam :thinking:
Trying to put in around 25hrs a week if possible

Unfortunately, I havent been able to complete the topics yet, might stick to that and try completing as many practise questions as I can in between.

Mocks, MM Vids and reading blue boxes. Hope that works!

Anyone has the mocks uploaded on March 2020? I can’t see them under study materials. I only find the Boston Cfa society practice mock.

The Boston Society mock exam is the official CFA Institute mock exam.

The morning session has problems. I don’t know about the afternoon session. I was too traumatized to look.

Not as bad, but I still can go on a rant on the way they justify the right (or wrong) answer to a few questions…

Yes right now it is. But in March I believe they uploaded a different mock exam. Then removed it and uploaded the Boston one.


I haven’t done the mock yet so now I am scared to look. What about it was so traumatizing?