Our company recently fired a brilliant quant who is now emailing the company directory (he must of hacked into the system) and essentially telling any “bright, motivated, young” individual to leave the company and venture to a start up / grad school / any where else besides their respective current employment. The last email from this disgruntled former employee was “Game on…”
Should I be concerned about a possible shoot up? Is it sad that such a situation comes to mind when speaking of a intraverted individual?
"Hello, all. I felt the need to write again to address all of who are smart, capable and have not already left the company. If you have not, you are well lagging the herd. $100K-150K is virtually meaningless in this world, so don’t settle. Go to a start-up, CREATE a start-up, get a graduate degree, explore the world. I ensure you that your “playbooks” won’t lead you to riches, or even provide you with the basic skill set you need to speak to the leading minds in finance. That comes from you… "
Non-white people might not shoot people up so much. However, when they do go apeshit, it’s really bad and bizarre. The guy who beheaded and ate the other passenger in the Greyhound bus was Asian, for instance.
There is another email that reflects a conversation between him and, what i assume to be, a MD. I didn’t work with him so i have no idea what to make of it:
"DW: Can we talk about your future with this company,
AD: Of course what is on your mind?
DW: I think you have otherNon-Christian things on your mind
AD: What?? You must be kidding… I have no idea what you are talking about.
AD: Really?
AD: I have told you time and time again that these ideas in the “innovation lab” are a decade old.
Yo Supyogov, I’ll moonlight as your personal security personel, no homo. You can then M’n’A on the buyside in peace as I ensure your protection and safety. Along with my service comes perks, no homo. These include my awesome ability at being a wingman, pushing weight, drinking, and killing it on the BBQ. Think about it, it’ll be fun, no homo.
idk, three no homos in one post is kind of a lot. You got the job if you can guarantee that i seal the deal with a female cfavmba that way i can scratch it from my bucket list.
What are these “non-Christian” things that he was fired for? Was he worshipping lord Baal in his cubicle? Also, the MD actually said that? This is like just fodder for the wrongful termination lawsuit.