Fixed Income Scheweser Notes


Anybody using shweser notes Book 3 page 207, how is the present value of 1.5 in one year at 0.02 annual rate 1.442, isn’t it 1.5/1.02 = 1.4705. I dont see how they came up with these present values.

Also pages 103, 104. If anyone could explain res-ampled efficient frontier and blacklitterman in easier term would be great

Appreciate your help thanks


hi cpk123

its a coupon in 1 year and says annual rate 0.02, why do u power it to 2 ( 1.5/1.02^2)? shouldn’t it be 1.5/1.02?

hi guys

if i have assets and liabilities with the same duration, and time passes and yields change, why do i need to rebalance? wont the effects on duration be the same on assets and the liability?


Your name says it all.



Ha ha ha ha. That had to be scripted

We don’t need no stinkin’ scripts.
