For all those living with H1B -- Green Card is a b!tch

akanska… I completely agree with you that you (USA) should get the best of the bread… but let me assure you the process now is as junk as it can be… With all due respect, based on your response, you dont even know the outline of your green card process for H1-B holders…and there is no reason in the world that you should know about it…Infact…your people ( PURE USA Citizens :)) working with me for the past 5 years…pity the process for the travesty that it is … btw. - I read all your posts on the forum :slight_smile: akanska Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > well anyone coming in on an H1B knows what they > are getting into so I don’t really feel bad for > you. There are so many ways to ‘get it done’ that > I don’t really respect the complainers either. I > rather like that our system in a way weeds out the > best and the brightest not only explicitly but > implicitly though the process. Good for us > (arguably) bad for the nations getting raided > (arguably). > > @ sublimity- you are missing about a 1000000 > factors in your astute reasoning.

purealpha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The process is really super duper inefficient, not > sure that it actually filters any sort of > desirable characteristic…other than persistence. Thanks Brother…you nailed it… persistence here kills dreams…

akanska is just trying to bust you simply because she is aggressive and wants to put you in your place. not knowing about the H1B or green card process is a set of minor inconvenient points in her mind and is secondary to showing dominance.

Thanks dude… btw… I read your mama joke threads too…:slight_smile: sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BullPow, > > Good luck! I wish you the best.

lol, yeah, AF keeps me entertained in the stupidest ways. sometimes i am serious, like my thread about C++, technology, and trading a few weeks back.

AlexP Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > But you know what, at the end of the day I feel > terribly lucky to have a Green Card and being able > to live in the US. Accounting rocks! do they give H1B visas to accountants ? Why

BullPow Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone else waiting for a GC in the US feeling the > same ? > > GC wait is a career screwer !!! From what I remember, while you are in the last stage (adjustment of status), you get employment autorization card and work anywhere you want. I can identify with you, it took me a few years to get GC myself.

sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^ > > lol, i’m going to be brianr and akanska is going > to be artvandalay. > > it is not going to be pretty, hahahah! You should tell her to eat a d*ck…preferably yours. (Note: this does not extend to the analogy above, however)

the analogy as in the mapping: brianr telling artvandalay to eat d*ck, preferably brianr’s? i think that is an apt analogy, i do hope it ends up like it did between you and brianr!

@Martikus… Yes… but not for h1-b workers…using EAD…you have to work only in a “paricular job type”…you must not change fields etc… which will restrict you from doing a lot of other things…

BullPow Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @Martikus… > > Yes… but not for h1-b workers…using EAD…you > have to work only in a “paricular job type”…you > must not change fields etc… which will restrict > you from doing a lot of other things… I’ve forgotten that already. I also took H1B to GC route.

".since I gave number of years of my youth to the US, paid taxes ( far more than an average tax payer does !!!), helped the economy grow and going to help USA grow culturally brining my culture to the melting pot… " Yes, but you also had better opportunities to make money in the US than you would have elsewhere.

ws Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It is just never enough for some people. Alpha dogs ???

mo34 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > AlexP Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > > > But you know what, at the end of the day I feel > > terribly lucky to have a Green Card and being > able > > to live in the US. Accounting rocks! > > do they give H1B visas to accountants ? Why Because I did an incredible job and they loved me. Plus accountants with strong accents are a lot more interesting than regular ones. All great reasons that went on my application. In a blink I got the H1B. Amazing. That is just my case, I cannot vouch for any other accountants with H1Bs

AlexP Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > mo34 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > AlexP Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > > > > > > > But you know what, at the end of the day I > feel > > > terribly lucky to have a Green Card and being > > able > > > to live in the US. Accounting rocks! > > > > do they give H1B visas to accountants ? Why > > Because I did an incredible job and they loved me. > Plus accountants with strong accents are a lot > more interesting than regular ones. > > All great reasons that went on my application. In > a blink I got the H1B. Amazing. > > That is just my case, I cannot vouch for any other > accountants with H1Bs Good for you man. I was under the impression that this program was for hard to fill jobs. You must have a really strong accent :slight_smile:

Here’s a relevant thread from Wilmott. I never knew it was this crazy until a few months ago.

WOW! The level of immaturity and lack of knowledge shown in this thread is just beyond my imagination to warrant a reply or justification of any kind. I just prayed/wished for you guys today, that some of you get to face this nightmare H1-B to GC process in your next lives’ (OK – if not that extreme, atleast the infamous IT to FO switch). It’s very easy to laugh at the strugglers when you yourself are sitting on a gold embossed king sized chair. God Bless!

pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I can understand the process is tedious but that’s > not your birth right and one should be thankful > that they even got an opportunity to work here on > employment visa and there is a chance to stay in > this country for good. > > Agree with HMW. Did you become a dick too?

pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I can understand the process is tedious but that’s > not your birth right and one should be thankful > that they even got an opportunity to work here on > employment visa and there is a chance to stay in > this country for good. > > Agree with HMW. Did you become a dick too?

Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I agree that immigration makes the US better. In > fact, I was not born in America. However, this > does not mean that the US is not doing us a favor > by letting us live here. I am thankful for this > every day. > > Furthermore, if the immigration process was easy, > it would eliminate the purpose that you mentioned > - to only get the most qualified people from other > countries. You can still integrate without becoming fake, can’t you?