For all those living with H1B -- Green Card is a b!tch

"Thanks …that gives me a chance to do other things like pursue other opportunties, go back to school etc… etc… and finally … " You can always go back to school on student visa if that is the only reason you want to get green card.

JOE2010 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > pupdawg82 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I can understand the process is tedious but > that’s > > not your birth right and one should be thankful > > that they even got an opportunity to work here > on > > employment visa and there is a chance to stay > in > > this country for good. > > > > Agree with HMW. > > > Did you become a dick too? Yes once in a while when question like this comes. Too much complaining these days on AF. I am just trying to learn how to become a d!ck like you.

LaGrandeFinale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WOW! > > The level of immaturity and lack of knowledge > shown in this thread is just beyond my imagination > to warrant a reply or justification of any kind. > > I just prayed/wished for you guys today, that some > of you get to face this nightmare H1-B to GC > process in your next lives’ (OK – if not that > extreme, atleast the infamous IT to FO switch). > > It’s very easy to laugh at the strugglers when you > yourself are sitting on a gold embossed king sized > chair. > > God Bless! I understand the frustration but there is a system and rules which everybody has to follow. There are limit no. of visas to give every year and line is so long that it takes close to 8-10 years to get it. But one knows that what they are getting into from H-1 visa etc so one should not be complaining.

pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > JOE2010 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > pupdawg82 Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > I can understand the process is tedious but > > that’s > > > not your birth right and one should be > thankful > > > that they even got an opportunity to work > here > > on > > > employment visa and there is a chance to stay > > in > > > this country for good. > > > > > > Agree with HMW. > > > > > > Did you become a dick too? > > > Yes once in a while when question like this comes. > Too much complaining these days on AF. > I am just trying to learn how to become a d!ck > like you. Obviously am no d!ck, and I reckon you know that. Your shallow and myopic reasoning makes you sound like one, I have no apologies.

Do you have any points on this topic beside calling me a d!ck? No, right? Which means you are a d!ck.

pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > LaGrandeFinale Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > WOW! > > > > The level of immaturity and lack of knowledge > > shown in this thread is just beyond my > imagination > > to warrant a reply or justification of any > kind. > > > > I just prayed/wished for you guys today, that > some > > of you get to face this nightmare H1-B to GC > > process in your next lives’ (OK – if not that > > extreme, atleast the infamous IT to FO switch). > > > > > It’s very easy to laugh at the strugglers when > you > > yourself are sitting on a gold embossed king > sized > > chair. > > > > God Bless! > > > I understand the frustration but there is a system > and rules which everybody has to follow. There are > limit no. of visas to give every year and line is > so long that it takes close to 8-10 years to get > it. But one knows that what they are getting into > from H-1 visa etc so one should not be > complaining. A first grader knows that, it is the insensitivity and tone of some remarks here which is appalling.

exactly like yours

JOE2010 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > pupdawg82 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > JOE2010 Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > pupdawg82 Wrote: > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > > > > ----- > > > > I can understand the process is tedious but > > > that’s > > > > not your birth right and one should be > > thankful > > > > that they even got an opportunity to work > > here > > > on > > > > employment visa and there is a chance to > stay > > > in > > > > this country for good. > > > > > > > > Agree with HMW. > > > > > > > > > Did you become a dick too? > > > > > > Yes once in a while when question like this > comes. > > Too much complaining these days on AF. > > I am just trying to learn how to become a d!ck > > like you. > > > Obviously am no d!ck, and I reckon you know that. > > > Your shallow and myopic reasoning makes you sound > like one, I have no apologies. “You’re the dick in this scenario, Jemaine. For calling Jim a dick. Yes! How does that feel? A taste of your own dick medicine!”

Thsnk you for the info… I was on student visa before and know the nuts and bolts of the flaws of going back to student visa… anyways …as you mentioned that is not the only reason why I am waiting for a GC… pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Thanks …that gives me a chance to do other > things like pursue other opportunties, go back to > school etc… etc… and finally … > " > > You can always go back to school on student visa > if that is the only reason you want to get green > card.

sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > akanska is just trying to bust you simply because > she is aggressive and wants to put you in your > place. > > not knowing about the H1B or green card process is > a set of minor inconvenient points in her mind and > is secondary to showing dominance. Excuse me? You know nothing of my background. I have stated nothing outside of the truth here and you appear to be quite defensive. Firstly, I myself am an immigrant. My husband is also an immigrant, and so are 80% of my closest friends. I actually provide free assistance to ppl in the process since I’ve completed the process for myself and many others without lawyers and as often as I can without employers. The key here is the last sentence- everyone here I know who has had true trouble with the process has either had issues with their LAWYER or their EMPLOYER. There are various ways to get around labor certifications, be they merit, investment or school. Yeah, you may not be able to follow your ideal path or have it handed to you but it can be done. To your second point, my 1000000 reference was pointing to your original hyperbole. Saying that immigrants are better than rednecks is a strawman- it offers nothing to the debate and fails to recognize what a complex problem immigration really is. My 1000000 pointed to factors your “theory” missed in its analysis, NOT reasons rednecks would be better- go back an re-read my friend. I am no expert, but I did study immigrations and wrote my thesis on it in school- so I know plenty enough to recognize one cannot simply say immigrants are better than rednecks. Some may argue that those in lower scocioeconomic status in the south were disenfranchised and displaced by migrant workers- spurring more tensions and creating hostile “them vs us” environments. There are also those who argue that allowing selective immigration of foreign IT professionals at sub market rates hinders the development of a natural labor market here. Meaning, if we allowed a real shortage there would be a natural demand that would drive up wages and facilitate the education shifts towards the area. Then we get into security, social services, and ALMOST a million other things. And this doesn’t even cover the effects of immigrations on the country people are moving away from- like do they fail to reform/ develop because those who are ambitions and care simply leave? Do repatriations hold up economies that would otherwise rightfully fail and require reform? I have nothing against immigrants, I would probably just open the gates across the board actually- but clearly- that will never happen. also- name calling is not called for and I am super-non aggressive. I just don’t like people making blanket statements like yours that are only meant to provoke.k

Haha… why would you do such a thing… >>>I have nothing against immigrants, I would probably just open the gates across the board actually- but clearly- that will never happen.

because I’m a libertarian and I think it would be the best for the world (ie would likely suck for the top economies) as a whole to have free labor market. When I say across the board I mean just that- not limiting to the US. Its a complete impossibility and probably would create wild havoc in the short term but I’d get a kick out of seeing what would be of Kim Jung Il, Hugo Chavez and the Mid East if their people could just get the F out and land in say- Switzerland. Again- this is only to inspire a what if conversation :slight_smile: I love to study and discuss this kind of stuff. There are so many interesting bits to consider. IE did you know that most agricultural technological innovations were made in the years following the US closing the gates on seasonal ag. immigrants and ceased after we re-opened? And that the advanced manufacturing tech in Japan is arguably also linked to immigration policies (high xenophobia = no cheap import labor = more need/ value in RD to replace ppl). My thesis covered economics, immigration and food- which is the last anthropoligical link that immigrants typically lose (after language and even religion). This fact means that when various waves of immigrants came they brought their own economic market with them- sustaining the early generations though the process of assimilation into different areas. There was a high correlation of the success of immigrant groups and the strength of their food mores. IE jewish ppl needed to create kosher butchers/ delis/ markets that created a lot of jobs for each other. These economies spawned and supported other economies via lending, import/export, etc. Interesting stuff (to me anyway).

Seriously, why would they give H1B visas to anyone working in Finance? They don’t have enough local bankers/middlemen/salesmen/RE agents… that they need to import some more?

mo34 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Seriously, why would they give H1B visas to anyone > working in Finance? They don’t have enough local > bankers/middlemen/salesmen/RE agents… that they > need to import some more? That odd H1B allocation is the result of post-OPT employment.

BullPow you EB2? Current priority date is 01 FEB 05. I have yet to start the process :’-|

LaGrandeFinale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BullPow you EB2? Current priority date is 01 FEB > 05. > > I have yet to start the process :’-| What is yours - EB2 or EB3? Labor + I-140 could take more than a year so 6 years minimum

Starting EB2 - So I am expecting 5 to 10 years. That, or might leave to some other country by end of 2010. EB3 would be like 20 years… rofl

Yup…EB2 …if you are from india/china you have an aweful long journey my friend… unless your wife, spouse is from other than those two countries… Good Luck ! LaGrandeFinale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BullPow you EB2? Current priority date is 01 FEB > 05. > > I have yet to start the process :’-|

@ akanska : ) I don’t care enough to reply.

BullPow Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yup…EB2 …if you are from india/china you have > an aweful long journey my friend… unless your > wife, spouse is from other than those two > countries… > > Good Luck ! > > LaGrandeFinale Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > BullPow you EB2? Current priority date is 01 > FEB > > 05. > > > > I have yet to start the process :’-| That’s the thing. It’s a hugee trade-off to keep waiting for the GC and being ‘stuck’ with a firm, at their mercy and USCIS while(age = age+1). So by the time you get the card you are around 40 (assuming it takes 10 years for EB2 to be rational & realistic) and have already crossed the peak age of doing anything, it at all.