Can someone explain the “overall gain/loss” concept on forward contract? I understand the contract gain/loss but not the overall gain/loss on the whole trasaction
an example would be “an investor is buying an asset in 1 year, asset is worth 225 now, interest rate is 4.75. One year later asset’s price is 190, what’s the overall gain/loss on the whole transaction?” (Cfa book 6, page 47, question 4D)
to get the 1 yr forward price you do: 225 x 1.0475 = 235.687
so loss on the contract to the long side is: 190 - 235.678 = -45.687
the gain on the asset = 225 - 190 = 35
Net loss = -45.687+35 = -10.69
why is the gain on the asset is 35? Asset price dropped 1 yr later, shouldn’t this be loss on the asset?