Gay Soldier Booed at GOP Debate

Look, I have no problem with gays serving this country, after all, isn’t that what the Navy’s for?

AlphaSeeker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mobius Striptease Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > ^its the back office, boo to you instead > > Ha! Boo you right back… Tax accountant. > > In all seriousness, happy friday too ooooh… an elitist discriminating based on career choice? double boo. i have nothing to do with tax nor accounting. happy friday to you too

Operation human shield.

ZeroBonus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am not a supporter of the GLBT/LGBT/TBGL > community whatever the hell its called these days > but I don’t understand what the problem is with > people of such sexual orientation feeling the need > to ‘SHOW’ it > > I mean srsly why do gay guys dress the way they > do? Why can’t they dress in normal clothes and > live normally? Do you have something to prove?? > > Having said that, as an American, I believe > everyone should be given an equal shot are serving > their country. But if a gay guy feels the need to > announce to the whole world that he is gay before > he serves then yea throw his @ss out for been an > attn seeker. No place for rebels in the army. If > you accept to act like a normal human being then > you are in, if not then go find some other place > to serve > > You don’t see straight people parading their > sexuality everywhere. +1. It’s not hard to pick out someone who’s gay. I don’t understand this myself. I’ve never met a gay guy who enjoys watching football, drinking light beer, and telling racist jokes. Gays assume their role as elitists of society and conform as a group.

^completely false. so much ignorance widespread among otherwise intelligent and educated people is just sad

AlphaSeeker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1 point to bchad for being P.C. > > 10 points for ZeroBonus for telling his true > feeling. > > A BIG Boooooo to Marcus Phoenix for turning this > CFA forum into a potlical litter box. > > That said, happy friday… 5 points for AS for the unintentional comedy award. Political litter box - from you? That’s rich. 10 points from Slytherin just because.

Mobius Striptease Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > AlphaSeeker Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Mobius Striptease Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > ^its the back office, boo to you instead > > > > Ha! Boo you right back… Tax accountant. > > > > In all seriousness, happy friday too > > > ooooh… an elitist discriminating based on career > choice? double boo. i have nothing to do with tax > nor accounting. happy friday to you too Sorry Mobius, I only refered you as a tax accountant because this post. -------------- Re: What is Front Office & Back office Posted by: Mobius Striptease (IP Logged) Date: September 1, 2011 05:03PM i am a proud tax accountant and i work in funance Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 05:03PM by Mobius Striptease. --------------

NakedPuts Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > AlphaSeeker Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > 1 point to bchad for being P.C. > > > > 10 points for ZeroBonus for telling his true > > feeling. > > > > A BIG Boooooo to Marcus Phoenix for turning > this > > CFA forum into a potlical litter box. > > > > That said, happy friday… > > 5 points for AS for the unintentional comedy > award. Political litter box - from you? That’s > rich. > > 10 points from Slytherin just because. I now boo anyone with work “naked” in their name, alias, etc. boo, boo, boo.

Woah… massive sampling bias there. Just because you can pick out some gay people who don’t mind being tagged as gay doesn’t mean that “it’s not hard to pick out someone who’s gay.” You’d be surprised at how many gay women don’t look dyke-y at all. And there are plenty of gay men that blend in too. And then there are bisexuals. And plenty of men who don’t consider themselves gay as long as they are in the “dominating” position. The gay world is a lot lot larger than the people you see in the Halloween parade. Some are even Republicans and go to church.

AlphaSeeker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > NakedPuts Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > AlphaSeeker Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > 1 point to bchad for being P.C. > > > > > > 10 points for ZeroBonus for telling his true > > > feeling. > > > > > > A BIG Boooooo to Marcus Phoenix for turning > > this > > > CFA forum into a potlical litter box. > > > > > > That said, happy friday… > > > > 5 points for AS for the unintentional comedy > > award. Political litter box - from you? > That’s > > rich. > > > > 10 points from Slytherin just because. > > I now boo anyone with work “naked” in their name, > alias, etc. boo, boo, boo. Didn’t realize you were such a big Slyterin fan, but I guess I should have figured you would based upon your political leanings.

nothing to be sorry about, an employed tax accountant is better than 90% of the posters here anyway. thats not a diss at the forum audience, it’s a respect for employed tax accountants. btw my post was mocking greengrape who tends to start most of her postings obnoxiously with “i work in ER, so shut up and listend what i’ll tell you” AlphaSeeker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > Sorry Mobius, I only refered you as a tax > accountant because this post. > > > > -------------- > Re: What is Front Office & Back office > Posted by: Mobius Striptease (IP Logged) > Date: September 1, 2011 05:03PM > > i am a proud tax accountant and i work in funance > > Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, September > 1, 2011 at 05:03PM by Mobius Striptease. > --------------

Anyone who believes in the fairy tales written in the bible and makes their decisions/ biases based on that literary piece of garbage deserves no respect in my eyes. Now if you are biased against gays based on the mannerisms some of them exhibit, that’s a different story.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone who believes in the fairy tales written in > the bible and makes their decisions/ biases based > on that literary piece of garbage deserves no > respect in my eyes. At least 14 points for MP for telling his true feelings. 3 points for Hufflepuff because of all the hotties.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone who believes in the fairy tales written in > the bible and makes their decisions/ biases based > on that literary piece of garbage deserves no > respect in my eyes. mp, no need to take it that far. Book revolutionized civilization as we know it. I wouldn’t live my life by the exact word, but it’s not a “literary piece of garbage.” Still saying bchad’s argument holds up. I think it’s not as easy to pick up in all situations, which is why when some people come out it’s big news. Which is then what you guys get mad about because it gets news/attention?

lxwarr30 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > marcus phoenix Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Anyone who believes in the fairy tales written > in > > the bible and makes their decisions/ biases > based > > on that literary piece of garbage deserves no > > respect in my eyes. > > > mp, no need to take it that far. Book > revolutionized civilization as we know it. I > wouldn’t live my life by the exact word, but it’s > not a “literary piece of garbage.” Still saying > bchad’s argument holds up. I think it’s not as > easy to pick up in all situations, which is why > when some people come out it’s big news. Which is > then what you guys get mad about because it gets > news/attention? While it may have very well been the first printed book, you give it far too much credit for advancing society. How many thinkers, philosophers, scientists, creative souls were killed/ outcast in the name of this book? Imagine if the people back then were free off the inordinate control religion had in their lives. Same case with Islam. I don’t need an external source or a book to guide my moral compass. Plus these religious freaks are obnoxious. I recently had this one evangelical dude from Texas sitting next to me try and convert me all through my flight to Central America. In the end he simply gave up and started abusing me. They seem to be very angry, petulant and not very pleasant to be around. Also have you read some of the other religious texts besides the bible, koran and talmud? Staggering differences in quality and content of writing and hardly any kindergarten style preaching.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don’t need an external source or a book to guide > my moral compass. Plus these religious freaks are > obnoxious. I recently had this one evangelical > dude from Texas sitting next to me try and convert > me all through my flight to Central America. In > the end he simply gave up and started abusing me. > They seem to be very angry, petulant and not very > pleasant to be around. agreed, i dislike bible thumping, but not religious people. i think the bible had a lot to do with the way people interacted and shaped our society. it did kill some good people, but that’s not the intent. i’m just trying to say don’t dismiss everyone who goes to church or feels mildly religious.

I’m biased against homosexuality because it’s irrational. I’m not a fan of irrational behavior. By the way, anyone who doesn’t realize that this was exactly what the organizers of the debate expected would happen is a complete dolt.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Also have you read some of the other religious > texts besides the bible, koran and talmud? > Staggering differences in quality and content of > writing and hardly any kindergarten style > preaching. Actually, I went to a Christian university and studied quite a bit of theology along the way. Not sure what staggering differences you’re referring to. Have studied each extensively and what’s more impressive than anything are the similarities. Large amounts of the texts, particularly Old Testament texts are borrowed from one another and I’ve always held the belief that the tensions between the religions are often more related to the similarities than the differences. My younger brother and I used to get in physical fights incessantly growing up as we were grouped together and very competitive. I feel like this is somewhat akin to much of the tensions between the religious doctrines.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone who believes in the fairy tales written in > the bible and makes their decisions/ biases based > on that literary piece of garbage deserves no > respect in my eyes. Not a “believer” but I think there’s quite a bit of wisdom in the New Testament. Most people vehemently opposed to religious doctrines haven’t bothered to read them or make grandiose but largely inaccurate claims of expertise. Most of the ideological rubbish you hear in sermons / from the right wing is either not based on the text or is misconstruing quotes taken out of context. Not entirely different from Islamic extremists that misquote the Qur’an and bend a relatively peaceful book to their violent agendas.

Black Swan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Actually, I went to a Christian university and > studied quite a bit of theology along the way. > Not sure what staggering differences you’re > referring to. I was actually referring to the non judeo-christian textslike Bhagvad Gita, Buddhist texts etc.