Gay Soldier Booed at GOP Debate

Just read every post. Thanks for reminding me why I don’t check this forum that much anymore…

el duque Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just read every post. Thanks for reminding me why > I don’t check this forum that much anymore… Just read your post. Thanks for reminding me why no one gave a crap or noticed when you stopped checking the forum.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Black Swan Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > > Actually, I went to a Christian university and > > studied quite a bit of theology along the way. > > Not sure what staggering differences you’re > > referring to. > > I was actually referring to the non > judeo-christian textslike Bhagvad Gita, Buddhist > texts etc. Have you read those texts? While very different in the application of their teachings and principles, Buddhism and Christianity (as preached by Jesus) are very similar in terms of the spiritual principles that underpin the religion. Specifically, they are very similar in the expectation of how one should treat themselves and others, with compassion, empathy and tolerance. I have found that many of the self proclaimed Christians in the world don’t behave or think in a manner that is very Christ-like. However, neither do many Buddhists.

How do you know Jesus really preached those tenets? You realize that most of the teachings attributed to Jesus have been put together long after his death? That’s also overlooking the fact that a “peaceful” religion was deemed beneficial so as to not threaten Roman rule, perhaps Constantine had a little to do with that? What Buddhism and Islam do have in common is that they are more concerned with the afterlife than the current one!

Before replying, I’m not really religious, but do think in many cases the attacks on religious texts are ill founded, typically the churches that are at fault. Palantir Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How do you know Jesus really preached those > tenets? How does this have anything to do with any of the above debate? I just don’t see how this is relevant to anything? How do you know it’s not? > You realize that most of the teachings > attributed to Jesus have been put together long > after his death? Was also aware of this, but again, I don’t see how this is relevant to the existing debate. Also again, this does not disprove anything. > That’s also overlooking the fact > that a “peaceful” religion was deemed beneficial > so as to not threaten Roman rule, perhaps > Constantine had a little to do with that? Nearly all religions are peaceful, I don’t think a violent one would reflect a very good understanding of life. Point seems weaker than the others. > What Buddhism and Islam do have in common is that > they are more concerned with the afterlife than > the current one! Again, having studied both Islam and Christianity extensively I’d have to disagree (strongly) with your distinction between the two. Furthermore, to any semi-intelligent agnostic (myself) I would view your point as a flaw rather than a positive.

bodhisattva Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I have found that many of the self proclaimed > Christians in the world don’t behave or think in a > manner that is very Christ-like. However, neither > do many Buddhists. 100% agreed

oh religion! you guys should check out Patton Oswalt’s take on religion or has he likes to call it “sky cake”. it’s a bit i saw him do live, and it is one of the funniest bits i’ve ever heard. i would link to it on youtube but my work blocks that. however you can create pandora stations using comedians.