Get Woke with Turd

i dont even understand what that means?

You like to partake in blow and paying for sex right?

Anonymous is good at meta analysis:



Stay tuned.

when have i ever mentioned anything about paying for sex? are you on crack?

watch out for them chem trails bruh

Yea when you were down in South America you were snorting blow off of hookers. Maybe that was your girlfriend and I misremembered. Anyway the point is the same.

Those anon videos have nothing to do w chemtrails. Do yourself a favor and watch them.

mmmmmm, did you get your poison dose today?


The science of the gateway to higher dimensions via the pineal gland. This is important. Take care of your pineal gland:


thats what i tell all the ladies “ill give you a penile gland thatll take you to a higher dimension :wink:

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17


Rocks are soft, but tense up when touched. Discuss.

What is there more of, when you take from them?


Poor people!

Is that the Paul Mitchell guy?


^Craig “Sawman” Sawyer. His wallet is inscribed w “Bad Mother F*cker”.

Did you know, astral projection (out of body experience while sleeping) is real? I did it last night. It was really cool. Open that pineal gland folks, it’s our connection to higher dimensions outside of space/time.

sooo you had a dream? yup the pineal gland does work wonders

lol … last night I went to sleep and I was in another world, man!