Get Woke with Turd

damn dude let me get on yo plane of existence! Next we’re gonna be told he knows the secret to aggression in alligators: their medulla oblongata

everyone knows alligators is ornery cuz they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.

astral projection is not dreaming and it’s not a mystical thing, anyone can do it and it’s just physics. it is fully awake/aware and in control of your actions while projecting consciousness on the astral plane.

mind = blown

My physics professors in college must have missed this.

He did. Mainstream science is quite sad and willfully ignorant/suppressed.

Hearing there’s lots of disclosure embedded in the latest Star Wars, some blatant, some very subtle. star wars is basically a documentary of what happens in the galaxy – dark vs light, fight for the liberation of beings, all of it.

My figments are especially crazy today.

you are sounding more and more like a scientologist

Yes, I have seen these hidden meanings in Star Wars. If you play any Star Wars movie backwards and hold a candle up to a large speaker woofer, the candle will flicker Morse code repeatedly R-U-F-F

For those who don’t know it, this is a common word in dog language which means ‘Yes, you’re right, aliens do exist and they are everywhere.’

If you listen closely, you can hear this said quite often throughout the world. The case is clear. We are not alone.

Source: 4Chan

well done!

Don’t fall for half-assed disclosure. They’re going to try to limit the info to maintain control and keep the real history hidden. Full disclosure is humanity’s liberation, anything less is an attempt at more control. Do not fall for it. This is important

EDIT: note the timing of this is no accident. it is meant to distract from the takedown of the swamp in Congress, FBI, CIA, et al. Still think there are coincidences? Get the feeling you’re being managed? Don’t fall for it! Demand FULL DISCLOSURE!

Important mass meditations coming up. If you at so guided please join:

So cw, where’d you learn to meditate? What style do you practice? Vipassana, theravada? Do you do the normal 2 hours per day? Who lead the service at your first 10 day retreat?

i did a little studying on zazen and have proceeded in a very unstructured way since then. i let my intuition take me where it wants to. i do a variety of things including visualization, focusing on the chakras, column of light, etc. lately i’ve been penetrating deeply into the heart and 3rd eye chakras and i think this is why i experienced my first astral projection recently. i also like to do what I would call ‘energy clearing’ by focusing on and energizing each chakra in succession in a session.

at all times i think it’s a good idea to let yourself be your guide and to always focus on manifesting/chanelling love and light whatever technique you’re working with.

hard to explain but i feel like my entire life has become a meditation.

Thats a bunch of horse shit, cw. Meditation isn’t unstructured, it’s very structured, with specific, time consuming daily practices, specifically two hours per day of meditation if you’re doing it seriously. The “chakras” are just nerves in your body. I think you don’t meditate at all. And I sincerely doubt that your every day life is a meditation. The people I know who go through full time multi year meditation services still don’t feel that they’re able to get it to stick until they’ve done it full time for at least three years, and that even then its difficult when they’re outside the meditation centers. I think you don’t meditate, but that the persona you’re trying to put forth in your trolling is that you do. Being a charlatan is lowly.

Thanks for your input friend.

Something going on at ATL airport. No details yet.

Edit: potentially a thwarted false flag attack. Still gathering details. Standby.

Edit: according to my sources a major attack was averted. 8 bombs were found. Won’t be reported in MSM.

I think CW thinks he meditates.

Our Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is into some wild stuff.