Get Woke with Turd

TIL dark energy/dark matter/physics is “wild stuff”

Self acceptance is the key to accessing inner truth. A good way to do it is to go back to any times that stick out in your mind as a source of anger, fear, guilt, shame, etc. embrace your earlier self and tell him/her ‘I forgive you, I love you’. It will take several times, but once you accept your own forgiveness the next important step is to express genuine gratitude and love for those experience. This will bring those past experiences into balance and you will feel the psychological burden of those experiences disappear. Then you are free to look within with an untarnished lense and tap into your intuition, which is the well spring of your truth. With an understanding of your truth, you can proceed in an authentic life.

Last week you were calling us all retards.

^thanks for your input friend.

Yo Turd are you still sheepdog strong?

one of the potential effects of going through the kundalini awakening is chronic physical pain when there are energy blockages in the body. I started having these kundalini experiences around Feb/Mar last year and in the spring out of nowhere i had this constant acute pain in my shoulder. by august i could not do a push up without extreme pain. from august to october i didn’t train at all, but i did a lot of work to clear and balance the energies in my body, and release blockages. slowly my shoulder healed and i’m back on the horse but have been going very slow and concentrating on keeping balance between my left and right side. come to find out i had been heavily overloading the work on my left side.


Turd- Give it to me straight. What is the TL;DR of this all?

#TheStorm. #MEGA.

The global system of control (super-national corporatists, banksters, military might, and finally the vatican) is being taken out. SA was the first leg to be taken out. this has cut off the financial backing behind most of the corrupt dealers in congress and the 3 letter agencies, which are now being taken out. Congress, DOJ, Sate, FBI, CIA and FED are all on the list. National sovereignty and government of/by/for the people is being restored.

but of course there is more to the story than that if you want to get into it.

Slow down dan brown

Much tank be to you sir Turd the woken one. All is made clear now.

Just got word that soros was taken in by pleiadian backed alliance for interrogation. He and his cohorts have a special place reserved for them. This won’t be on the news but the effects will be felt.

I can already feel them.

Or maybe that was the taco bowl I had for lunch. #winning

That moment when you flush is not dissimilar to what is happening.

The half assed disclosure full court press is on now from cabal rag Time:

don’t settle for managed distractions. There is SO MUCH more. The info is out there. Also understand why this is being timed now. Not a coincidence. Designed distraction from swamp draining.

turd when is everyone going to wake up???

jimmeny christmas it’s a full court press:

Those bright spots are actually signs of a current civilization that exists above 3D but the energy manifests in 3D as light. masses getting woke AF!

not the first time this has happened **cough**9/11. coincidence???

Reminder: tomorrow is a big day. The gateway is wide open for us to receive the energies from the galactic central sun. Our intentions during this time will have a big impact on the reality we manifest as a collective consciousness, so make them good! I intent to bring love, compassion, peace, unity, and abundance for all into our reality. Peace and love! This is a time to celebrate life and come together!