Large amount of detail in GIPS about requirements for inputs / performance calculation for various asset classes pre or post a certain date. At what level of detail should we expect this to be tested? Is it enough to know the general trends or should we expect a question that specifically requires us to know say real estate valued every 12 months prior to January 2008 and quarterly after (end of quarter specifically after January 2010).
Do the topic tests and any past exams you can find. Keep a tally of what is tested. You’ll be surprised how shallow the material is. Know some 10-15 concepts and you can probably score 4/6.
The concepts are very specific and what you said above can be asked. By shallow I mean only a small sample of the whole framework seems to be given priority over and over.
Krokodilizm is the GIPS Master
Have you consider an idea to become a GIPS independent 3rd party verifier after passing level 3?
After I pass L3 I am taking a sabbatical year. I am thinking to volunteer to the army and spend some time in the artillery to clear my mind after all this academia.
I think then the best choice would be a counter-aviation artillery. You can apply stock patterns charts on radars.