Memento - clever plot - makes you wuestion the validity of your own memory.
The Spanish Prisoner (David Mamet screenplay, which is usually enough to sell me). Plenty of things that make you want to go back an rewatch earlier scenes to see how they foreshadowed or otherwise set up later ones. Also has Steve Martin as a stone-cold, amoral con-man lkiller.
I was an extra this summer on the set of “The Glass Castle”. It should be coming out sometime in 2017. I’m the dude that walks in front of Brie Larson and Naomi Watts in the hotel lobby holding a huge cell phone (the part was set in the 80’s).
Quirky fact about that scene: we had to play it without our shoes on because they were making reflections.
Naomi Watts was a genuinely, down to earth nice person socializing between takes. Brie Larson wouldn’t even look at anyone.