
How can you hate this hashtag guy??? He cracks me up

You’re missing some of the worst posts. I think they were in the RR thread about rape.

I can’t believe rahul is actually a chick. Who knew?

I’m not here often enough to really give a damn but I’m curious , what got nuked?

There are some pretty offensive things still floating about and we’ve already seen the moderators selevtively delete threads. It’s a thankless job no doubt but a little consistency isn’t that hard.

It was an America / American bashing thread , wasn’t it?

RR is a girl?

Dag, I go away for a week and look what happens.

It wasn’t.

If you think that there are offensive things that we’ve missed, you could always PM us to let us know.

Or simply do nothing and blame us for your inaction.

Various posts have been pointed out by a few people and nothing being done from what I’ve seen. I recall a poster called Flashman pointing out some stuff that was over the top vis- a- vis Black people and nothing was done.

There was a thread where a guy from Pakistan asked a couple of questions and got jumped on by a couple of idiots vis-a-vis his religion and some jackass from Canada even went as far as to mock his prayer call. I’m not Muslim but even I can understand that is as offensive as 9/11 to some people. There was a mod in that thread. No warning , no nuke and no ban.

A lot of us also saw first hand the double-standards being applied in the thread that brought up Abu-Gharib.

Some of it is painfully obvious and easily visible. You don’t need us to point it out for you.

Who’s Dag?

D’Agostino is the worst grocery store chain in New York.

I like the hashtag person as well.

I don’t read every thread, nor do I read every post in every thread I read.

I never saw any of these things.

But feel free to whine about double standards instead of doing something about it.

Those who need to know, know.

Furthermore, we are unpaid mods that all have full time jobs. There WILL be threads we miss and posts we pass by without reading closely. I’ll be glad to moderate more carefully if you’ll make a sizeable $ donation for my time.

^I always forget you’re a mod.

That’s a good thing, by the way.



#akaElDuderino (if you’re not into the whole brevity thing)

Itera is a mod? I have to start being nice to him

Agreed. Invisible mods are the best.

But it’s also nice to be reminded by S2000 and bchad that the mods are still out there moderating.

Speaking of…is numi still a moderator?

numi hasn’t had his privileges revoked, but I haven’t seen him post in a while.

Then again, I’ve been wrapped up in projects that actually pay me for my time, so haven’t been posting and reading as much here. Frankly, so much of it is the same old crap, I don’t find it worth reading. I do try to cut out the worst of it.

But I agree that there is a lot of complaining about not getting good enough free service for their unpaid memberships.

There’s also a difference between someone who just got riled up and overstepped the line while venting and someone who continuously antagonizes the group. If I see something that looks like the former, I might delete the comment, or the thread, or edit out the worst of it, or simply ask people to stop and see if they listen (and if not, do one of the other things). If it’s the latter, I’ll see if trying to talk them down can get them to stop and if not, look for stronger measures.

But no, there’s no way to see everything here. And quite frankly, the really awful threads aren’t usually interesting enough to bother reading anymore.

Meh, I don’t care about offensive posts; natzis or fans of baby rape who blend their wacky views into their finance posts, so what.

But there’s way too much pointless bot-like spamming zero-value posts on internet forums. I mean a guy who does nothing but posts one word hash-tag responses? It just wears out my scroll finger!