



^ Still not funny.

Do you even CFA?


#DidIEarnTheCharter? #yes2013

Ahh again with a dummy American thinking everyone with a current location other than the USA is “a stinky foreigner with broken english and a rice hat”. I say ban for racial stereotypes, racist assumptions, in addition to pointless noise!

…and you’re not one to talk about proper English. enlightened



the maturity level here is like middle school. can we all just drop it now

#agreed #doneanddone

I have to admit that the hashtag gimmick is of the trying-to-be-clever-but-ends-up-being-dorky-variety.


Maybe it is a “millennials” thing, who knows. Kinda creepy.

It might be a Korean thing.

So “dummy American” doesn’t qualify as a stereotype?

No it’s an observation. You can observe it too…

Go look in the mirror first and make sure you are white and blue eyed. Now create a new username and post on the net as you normally would, but with your location set to Asia. Watch whenever the discussion becomes heated; the Americans WILL post that you are “just a jealous-of-our-success slant-eye communist that is going to get theirs once we bomb the shit out of your stupid accent-talking rice-hat-wearing yellow-assed country”. It’s really quite disgusting, and stupid since location does not equal race.

Guys, these discussions are really senseless…

More appropriate to a hillbilly forum than to a forum about finance where I expect to discuss with serious people.

The one or the other around here should spend the time travelling around to get to know the world instead of learning for the CFA. I’m sure it will help them more in their career than earning the charter.

Just my 2 ct.

^ Can’t I also observe dummy Germans, dummy Brits, dummy Indians, dummy Chinese, dummy Koreans, etc? And how do you know that #hastag is American? Did #hastag ever say that he/she is American. Maybe #hastag is Korean and decided to set his/her location to United States to be the yin to your yang.

Man I swear I feel like the intrawebz turned into a huge discussion about racism / sexism.

It seems like these two subjects are all people care about anymore.

I, for one, don’t give a fuck about the butt-hurt of minorities / majorities (the only thing that I am butt-hurt about is the question of Québec’s independance, but that is a completely different type of issue).

I am therefore significantly scaling down my intrawebz consumption. Internet & Social Media are just noise at this point, really.

Being a Falkland Islander, I can be butt-hurt toward the Argentinians.

Damn you, Eva Peron!!! I don’t cry for you!!!

Well smarty pants if you go do the experiment instead of arguing on the internet with someone who already knows, then you will know too. Just ask them and they will tell you “Im a focking Amerikan you dummie chink, and prowd of it!!”.

Americans are quite proud of their racist stupidity [that is an observation from my little experiment].


I have this strange addiction to AF. I don’t particularly like it, but I can’t quit, either.

I do dress rather smartly, thank you for the compliment.