Lets have a treadMill group meetout and run a mile or 2 while discussing a LOS/Reading.
Also, I don’t know if this affects anyone, but I used to get a click in my shoulder sometimes when doing push ups. I proceeded to build my rotator cuff through exercises and take fish oil which helped immensely.
TheAliMan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Also, I don’t know if this affects anyone, but I > used to get a click in my shoulder sometimes when > doing push ups. I proceeded to build my rotator > cuff through exercises and take fish oil which > helped immensely. Sounds like a very common issue, and probably something one need not worry about unless it’s really bothersome. If serious, you may have Superior Labral Anterior-Posterior (SLAP) lesions or tear, and if it starts to bother you, you ought to go see your ortho for a shoulder stability test. In your case, it sounds like you just have some degeneration in your acromioclavicular (AC) joint. I’m not an orthopedist but my uncle is, and I had this problem in both my shoulders as early as my teens. However, it’s really just a clicking sound and I don’t think it actually hinders me physically. I started noticing my shoulder clicking as a teenager when I was a baseball pitcher; pitching a ball happens to be a very similar motion to hitting a serve in tennis, which I picked up in junior high. While the “shoulder clicking” is annoying at its worst, I don’t feel any pain from it, and I usually don’t even think about it. In most cases, it seems that the best thing to do is to leave it alone, or work on strengthening or stretching around that joint. I too have heard that fish oil helps.
numi, always enjoy your replies. I will try and pay more attention to what I feel if it comes back while working out, but I don’t remember having felt any pain, just a little discomfort. I have also read that perhaps Glucosamine, in conjunction with Chondroitin and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), might help? I thought those were anti-inflammatory supplements for arthritis.
swaptiongamma Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lets have a treadMill group meetout and run a mile > or 2 while discussing a LOS/Reading. There is that spin class at the Wall St. Equinox that sets up a projector and has Peter Olinto give spin class and review CFA material at the same time. Its not bad, but he can only explain and click the next slide - he can’t really write while on that bike.
TheAliMan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > numi, always enjoy your replies. I will try and > pay more attention to what I feel if it comes back > while working out, but I don’t remember having > felt any pain, just a little discomfort. I have > also read that perhaps Glucosamine, in conjunction > with Chondroitin and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), > might help? I thought those were anti-inflammatory > supplements for arthritis. Thanks for the feedback, TheAliMan. I’m not a doctor, but based on what you’ve described (which sounds similar to mine), it sounds like you are just experiencing crepitus without much degeneration or arthritic symptoms. As such, you probably want to keep your treatment regimens to be as conventional and non-surgical as possible. If you’re not experiencing much pain at all, you’re better off just taking NSAID’s like aspirin or ibuprofen to manage the inflammation in the occasional instances where you get some discomfort. I’ve heard and read about glucosamine helping with the management of osteoarthritic symptoms, but I think that the actual clinical literature is a bit more divided concerning its efficacy. That said, if glucosamine and other similar types of dietary supplements help you, I don’t see much downside; most of what I’ve read suggests that it’s generally safe, except for patients that are allergic to shellfish. In general, my non-medical opinion is to generally avoid surgery unless you really need it. There is some good information about symptoms and pain management of shoulder arthritis on the AAOS website: http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00222
philip.platt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > swaptiongamma Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Lets have a treadMill group meetout and run a > mile > > or 2 while discussing a LOS/Reading. > > > There is that spin class at the Wall St. Equinox > that sets up a projector and has Peter Olinto give > spin class and review CFA material at the same > time. > > Its not bad, but he can only explain and click the > next slide - he can’t really write while on that > bike. He also conducts a medidation and yoga class at Webster Hall every Thursday, with a light backdrop music of RainForest mixed with the MultiNationals’ and Pensions’ formulas. Very relaxing and super productive. Sample sound track http://www.omyoga.com/L2/SS6/mp3/sample/FIFOAdjustments.mp3
Yeah i definetly cant keep up with tony and those guys on the video. Even after an hour they are still doing 20+ pullups unassisted. I am half way decent at pushups but the first time i did those “dive bomber pushups” my arms gave out and the end i collapsed on top of myself.
I work out everyday. During lunch (muscle training) on weekdays and around 9:30ish at night (cardio and abs). Weekends I work out once a day for a longer period. I can’t go without working out. I also study about two hours after work and study four to five hours a day on the weekend. If I’m gonna be studying all the time I gotta stay in shape… I don’t wanna be a fat ass.