So I have not really gotten into study much yet (didn’t even finish my first section - quant). Been really busy with work. I know work is going to continue to be busy, but I am wondering how I can pull this off with only 4 months left to go. I work 50 hours a week as well.
Any success stories at level 2 with this? Even if not, what is your opinion/strategy on how you would approach this?
Don’t panic, just get cracking. Set yourself milestones (i.e. complete x topic by y date) and make yourself stick to it. Can definitely be done if you’re dedicated from here; 50 hour work week isn’t overly demanding and obviously leaves you with weekends. Make yourself unavailable for any new, relatively unimportant social events from now until mid-June.
I had a friend do it; however, we were not friends when he did. The only thing he told me was ‘worst 12 weeks of my life’ so i am assuming he studied everyday…he also worked crazy hours.
Try to focus on the task at hand and ask yourself: do you want to feel stressed or calm before the exam? It`s your choice, but I certainly prefer the latter.
I find it important to study consistently, but with well deserved breaks in between. After all, someone climbing Mount Everest does rests in between too.
Make use of your family, friends, girlfriend etc. during this challenging time! They can inject positive energy that you need to get through this tough journey.
And do not get frustrated when you do not understand certain concepts straight away. Zoom out and do as many practice problems on this concept. Make the most of it:)
P.S. I find the first Derivatives topic to be the most challenging.
I’m almost in the same boat. I started slowly last week and finished all of quant with a strong understanding of the material today. Going to use the momentum I built and dive right into equities and try to get it done this week. It’s difficult to get momentum going and you might need to start with an hour, then 2 the next day, 3 the next, and maybe 12-14 hours over the weekend. I usually get home from work at 6pm, take a nap, make coffee, then study for 3-4 hours until bed, then on the weekends I study as much as I can (if I have no social obligations I usually do 20-24 hours over the weekend…my girlfriend hates me right now). I doubt this would work for most people, but I have such a hard time stopping and starting that I can get much more done in one 12-hour study session than I can in 4 3-hour sessions. I figure I will bust my ass right now to feel caught up so if I want to do something some Saturday in March or April I won’t feel like its the end of the world to miss a day of studying. Good luck everyone!