Help with Analyst interview

Hi guys,

I have recently been invited for a face to face interview with strategic consulting firm that focuses on building their clients reputation so stakeholders can invest in their companies based on their reputation. The position I am interviewing for is an Analyst position that has key responsibilities such as

1)Research and Analysis: development of insight with an expectation to eventually “tell a story” through research in client-facing reports and presentations

2)client engagement and project management

3)Marketing and Lead development.

My interview is in a week and would like to know how can I prepare for an analyst position or what basic questions do you guys think I should prepare with. Any help would be appreciated.



  1. Look up some Warren Buffet tidbits and hear about his ‘story book stock’ mindset. What is the moat? Also, memorize all of Bromions’ posts on AF.

  2. Be assertive and confident.

  3. Dial and Smile.

Sounds a bit like a “stock promoter” type thing… be careful who you tie yourself to. That’s all I will say on this.

This is frightening but the truth is a lot of people do invest bsaed upon this kind of criteria. There is an ecosystem of paid research distributors and they definitely move stocks… for a while. Some of them, in my opinion, are outright frauds. Tobin Smith is the poster boy, fired from Fox Business for pumping stocks on air, so now he just does it with his schlocky news letter.

haha yea ^ what a donkey

Thanks for your advice. This firm simply just builds reputation for companies/clients to lead them into the right direction of becoming a profitable firm.

Can you please direct or provide the links to bromion’s posts.
