Hillary collapse

“Sheldon Whitehouse, who is a huge Clinton supporter, said they were both giving speeches at the same event a few months back and she could barely climb the podium steps,” Leeds wrote.

As BizPacreview adds,Powell responded with what seemed to be a show of empathy.

“On HD tv she doesn’t look good,” he wrote. “She is working herself to death.”

Powell went on to talk about Clinton’s hectic schedule, which included flying from the East Coast to San Francisco for a “paid gig at E-Bay” and a “money dinner for the Clinton Foundation,” and then back the next day.

“… She will turn 70 her first year in office,” Powell added, apparently convinced that she will prevail in the November election.

all records public now

Her doctor’s name is Bardack, which sounds a lot like Barack. Hmmmm…what is she hiding?

bardack in russian means mess lol

Maybe he/she is a muslim, or whatever.

There’s no such thing as non-contageous bacterial pneumonia, someone’s lying…

P** neumonia**, in itself, is not contagious, but the germs that cause it often are. Germs and viruses that cause the flu, common cold, or bacterial infections are contagious and can lead to pneumonia.

Because pneumonia is caused mainly by infectious microbes, pneumonia can be contagious. Pneumonia caused by chemical fumes or other poisons not made by infectious agents is not contagious.

Who is most likely to get pneumonia?

  • People with weakened immune system due to medications
  • People with pre-existing medical conditions
  • Children under the age of 2
  • Adults over the age of 65

Meh, you’re not wrong but that’s a stretch. Viral pneumonia is extremely contagious (I’ve had it) but the bacterial version is much less so. Bacterial you’re still allowed to go out in public without fear of infecting others so long as you feel up to it. I felt fine with viral pneumonia but my doctor told me to quarantine myself or I’d infect pretty much everyone I bit.

Here’s some comments from another MD, the plot gets thicker…

Note these clots are more likely if taking anticoagulants (blood thinners). It makes zero sense to me that Hillary would be on any blood thinner for her prior clot. They either resorb spontaneously or are removed surgically via a bore hole in the skull, but blood thinners would make them worse. I feel this is elementary to MD’s. It seems to me she likely has some other undisclosed problem.

The type of blood thinner is not stated. It might be coumadin (warfarin) derivative, aspirin, or possibly some health supplements. All of these are usually stopped for surgeries.

Her cough timeline, beautifully summarized by you, is way too long for pneumonia. Quite a lot of conditions can cause coughing spells – lung, heart, neurological, esophageal, e.g. saliva down the wrong tube – I have no clear idea on this.

Anticoagulants are used for some cardiac conditions e.g. atrial fibrillation, and some neurological conditions e.g. transient ischemic attacks.

i saw that theory. the claim that a body double walked out of chelsea’s NY apartment. I didn’t buy the photographic evidence that tries to compare her wrinkles, but it was pointed out she walked out with no bodyguards next to her and that was kinda odd

Yea her alone was weird. They didn’t account for that. The real her obviously would have the real protective detail but they forgot they also needed a fake detail for the fake Hillary.

are we really talking about body doubles on this forum. come on guys. take that nonsense back to wso.

Saddam used body doubles. Hillary is pretty much Saddam, so…

The body double theory is pretty far fetched. However, such is the trust deficit that Hillary as created, that even the most unlikely of theories can gain traction.

we’re not saying it definitely was a body double here.

and FYI Hillary does have a real paid body double. Teresa Barnwell. she quit her jobs years ago during bill’s presidency to double as hillary. look it up yourself

Just LOL’d at STL. Well done, sir.

wow PA wasnt kidding about the decline in intellect and reasoning

I think Theresa Barnwell is a Vegas style Hillary impersonator, not an official body double.

This is really all just imagined though.

If someone repeats “dishonest Hillary” enough, the masses are brainwashed to think she’s dishonest. It is hardly created by her. The Clintons do seem to like some normal level of privacy about things which are nobody’s business, that’s hardly strange. Trump is super private, and won’t release anything. As a critical thinker I see zero reason why she is more dishonest than the avg politician, or the avg American citizen.

hillary couldn’t even tell the truth about her "pneumonia ". if that was indeed true, that’s nothing to hide or be ashamed of. but first her campaign had to lie and claim it was "over heating ", and then when it was pointed out the day was 80 degrees and breezy, and when the video went viral, then it became pneumonia.

my point is, every step of the way the story seems to change. and that’s why people don’t trust a thing she says

Uhh no, Americans are obsessed with framing anything as a weakness (Trump would jump on anything). “Oh see she got pneumonia, her constitution is questionable, we knew it!”. Obviously you would just keep going with the schedule and not mention any health issues. Near certainty Trump has minor health issues, and he is covering them up, the public doesn’t need to know irrelevant shit.

Not really, seems like she keeps saying the same thing over and over again, and people keep imagining what they want to imagine.