President Obama has to be one of the luckiest presidents in US history. He got to follow GWB and will be followed by either Hillary or Trump. Lennie Small would look like a good president in that company.
This just keeps getting more bizarre. Hillary’s first appearance after her collapse was a fake. This video explains. I watched the original footage and sure enough something is going on with the crowd. The camera shows the phone screens of the crowd pointed forward but the images on the phone don’t match the scene in front of them.
WTF is going on? I need to stop watching these videos, but i can’t dispute that they catch Hilldawg’s campaign red handed. You can verify this video against the original footage:
Anyone see what happened on Reddit yesterday? Hillary’s IT consultant asked Reddit how to change/delete Hillary’s email address from old emails. This was back in 2014 but about a month before the whole email thing blew up.
They probably photo… er “video shopped?” those crowd images over the video to make it look like there were more spectators. They have cool video phones so this should appeal to those millennials.
right. So it must be the networks doing this correct? Lots of stories out there how no one shows up to Hillary events. If that’s true then the polls are probably complete bullshit too.
Polls most likely reflect some bias in the way samples are chosen or how questions are asked. Republicans poll higher in Fox News polls than CNN polls, for instance. I don’t know if the polls in aggregate are biased either way though.