Hillary collapse

purealpha, any thoughts?


Trump obviously has likeability. He’s a populist, and the only way you can be one is by being charismatic.


purealpha, any thoughts?

never happened. how do I know? she’s a fat-faced blubbery tank. people with a healthy lifestyle don’t resemble oompa loompas.

^ she also lies about everything so what do you expect.


Doesn’t she have a thyroid condition? That can make you fat, no?


hypothyroid condition yes. i’m sure her diet had something to do with it (perhaps not her fault, lots of foods in the standard american diet can contribute to thyroid issues e.g. grains).

I think she looks like how most 70-year-old people look.

^ and she looks almost identical to her mother body shape and weight wise.

that’s certainly not an endorsement of her health. most older adults suffer from some kind of chronic syndrome - metabolic, cardiovascular, you name it.

Again, demonstrating that genetics primarily determines how you look, not what you eat.

I don’t know why I have to resort to defending Hillary Clinton, but what sort of physical requirement exactly should be satisfied by Presidential candidates? 80% of politicians are old and have all the associated health issues. Hillary has been more or less physically fine in holding a high government position and being a professional bitch in recent years. Unless there is a material change - like Parkinson’s or something - she’s probably still ok, even if she is similar to other oldies in being not really “fit”.

The sort of vitality that we are talking about matters more in maintaining appearances. If Hillary looks like a weak old lady in front of vivacious Trump, then she will lose votes. So this might be material to the campaign, even if it is not ultimately material to the job.

Appearances are everything in a campaign, especially this one because both major party candidates are completely full of shit. Hilldog is hurting already with the masculine voting populous. No one wants a Commander and Chief who runs out of steam and faints on the job. Reasonable accommodations can be made but being able to do something as simple as stand around on a hot day and give a speech without hacking up a lung or being carried away is important to keeping up appearances and effectively discharging the duties of the job.

^^ I have no concerns over Hillary’s health, or Trump’s, with the exception of any neurological issues she might have as a result of the pretty nasty fall she took a few years ago. If reputable, independent doctors say her brain is fine, that’s good enough for me. I do disagree with her on just about every major issue though and find her to be very untrustworthy. There is no doubt in my mind that she was trying to hide something with the whole email thing (private server, deleting thousands of emails that she says were personal, etc.) and I believe she knowingly and purposefully mixed the business of the state department with that of the Clinton foundation. Like most democrats, she panders to minorities and the poor, having no actual regard for their wellbeing other than how if affects their ability to make it to the polls to vote for her. I imagine she probably did care about other people at some point, but that empathy left her long ago when she and Bill got a taste of the power and money of big time politics.

I also find Trump to be very untrustworthy, disagree with several of the few positions he has actually taken, and am troubled by his temperament.

I might actually prefer 4 more years of President Obama than either of these two deplorables.

before last weekend, her health wasn’t on my radar screen. but digging into it, to me there is clearly something bigger going on neurologically. those clips of her seemingly going into seizure are very troubling, especially when you add in last weekend and all the questions around the medical handlers she is always with. that’s not normal ‘average aging american in not-so-good shape’ type stuff. that’s “i can’t cope under the weight of a life filled with lies and dead bodies” type stuff. doing things that you know are wrong will eventually manifest in your health. call it karma, creeping conscience, whatever you want. people are not made to cope with continually doing evil things throughout their lives. she’s cracking.

Given the polls, many of you live with a spouse that is not voting for your candidate, not that this is new. Dudes vote republican, babes vote democratic. How does the difference affect your relationship?

Wife is riding the Hillary train but is not nearly as zealous in her support as someone like Palantir. Most women, especially in public sector jobs see Trump as the antichrist when it comes to women/social issues and they are the same group who could really give a shit about what I would consider to be larger problems, like the economy and foreign wars currently being waged.

Some channel had trump leading by 7%, bottom right hand corner - margin of error 9%. LOL.

I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m a zealous supporter of Hillary. I’m just merely informing you that she’s going to win. I personally don’t plan on voting.

Do you mean to suggest that ugly parents have ugly kids, and vice-versa?

I’ve always believed higgmond was the barometer of the country, so the fact he would prefer 4 more years of Obama at the same time that Obama’s approval rating has surged to almost 60% is not surprising.